67 | Code Pink

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I knew that sound.

I was knee-deep in paperwork in the E.R. when an alarm started to blare throughout the whole hospital. At first, I didn't notice it because I was so wrapped up in what I was doing, but when people started rushing around and patients started freaking out, I was pulled from my thoughts. I listened to the alarm for a few seconds, wracking my brain for what it meant before it clicked.

Code pink; missing child.

Jumping up from the desk I was seated at, I made my way into the emergency room to help calm down the patients and family members the best I could, but there was no real way to tell everyone that a child was missing in the hospital and not have every single parent present lose their composure.

The alarm continued for a few more minutes before it was finally shut off, resulting in all of the locked surrounding doors to unlock once more and the elevators to be back in working use.

Just as my heart rate began to drop back down to normal, my pager went off. I checked it immediately but was severely confused when I noticed that I wasn't being paged to a room, but instead a hallway.

"Did you get that page too?" April asked as she passed by.

"Yeah." I nodded as I clipped my pager back to my waistband. "What do you think is wrong?"

April shrugged as the two of us took off towards where we were needed. "I don't know, but it was urgent so we should hurry."

Upon entering the corridor that April and I had been paged to, my jaw dropped and I froze in place as my eyes took in the sight in front of me. Blood was pooling all over the tile floor from a woman who was lying in a medical bed, her stomach cut open, DeLuca performing CPR, and Warren holding a blood-covered baby.

"Oh, my god." I gasped as Bailey ran in from seemingly nowhere and took charge of the situation. "What happened?"

Giving us a look of panic, Warren quickly mumbled that he was going to take the baby to the NICU before running off at full speed. DeLuca, who was still giving compression to the open woman in the middle of the hall, turned to Bailey. "Chief, I-I don't think she's gonna make it."

"You do not stop what you're doing." Bailey snapped at him as April and I got right to work on trying to control the bleeding.

After accessing the situation, I turned to one of the many nurses that had joined us and told her what I needed. "She needs central access and multiple units of blood," I ordered as my hands and lower forearms quickly became caked with blood. "And let's get as much gauze as we can to stop this bleeding! She's lost way too much for my liking already and I'd like to keep whatever's left inside of her!"

"Tube's in," Bailey announced as she finished with the woman's breathing tube. "Call upstairs and tell them Robbins is gonna need a clear O. R. now!"

Looking down at the woman, I felt like I knew her but my mind was racing so fast and all names I had ever known were a blank to me right then, so I gave up on trying to identify her and went back to doing my job.

Looking to DeLuca, I noticed that his compressions were getting weaker and slower, so I told him to take a break and let me take over. "Who butchered this woman?" Bailey called as she took a look at the dark-skinned woman on the bed. "I know this patient. This is Gretchen McKay."

That's when it clicked. I knew that this woman was familiar.

═══ Earlier That Day ═══

"Thirty-six-year-old male, Omar Singh, unrestrained passenger, hemodynamically unstable, GCS at eleven, obvious abdominal and chest contusions." the paramedic told us as we gathered around the darker-skinned man who was being lifted out the ambulance.

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now