56 | Lost In You

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The I.C.U. was a regular place for me now, not that I liked it in the least. It was like a relative I hated seeing but felt obligated to visit anyway.

It had been a few days since the ambulance accident and I was recovering rather nicely from my surgery. Turns out the burns weren't as bad as I had thought. I mean, they were still pretty bad, but I was going to live...so in my book that wasn't that bad.

My usual visitors were Meredith, Alex, Owen, and Jackson. Jackson because he was plastics so he had to treat my burns, and everyone else because they were my friends. Although, after the first few days, I started to get fewer visits, which is understandable. People had jobs that they needed to do, so I couldn't expect them to be hanging out with me twenty-four/seven.

I've probably said this before, but I'll say it again. I hate being stuck in a bed all day. I just wanted to work.

I wasn't in much pain anymore but Owen insisted that I stay in bed until he was positive that I was back to normal. He worried too much...but it was okay. Someone had to worry about me because I sure as hell wasn't doing it.

Noticing Callie as she walked by, I called out her name. A few seconds later she walked in, a small smile on her face. "What can I do for you?" she asked, a tablet in her hands.

"Can I get out of this bed yet?" I asked, "I can't save any lives from here. Besides, I'm not in any pain."

"You're not in any pain because we've stuffed you full of pain medication." Callie reminded me.

I huffed, knowing that she was right. "I hate being cooped up."

Callie sat down on the side of the bed and held my hand. "I know it sucks, trust me. After my car accident, I was in bed for a long time...but you need to get better. Besides, if I let you out Owen would track me down and kill me."

"Oh, we just have to be sneaky." I waved my hand at her, dismissing her excuse, "At least strap me to a wheelchair and roll me around for a while."

Just then, Callie's pager went off. "Tell you what." she headed for the door, "If you can get Owen to say yes to it, I'll wheel you around tomorrow."

As soon as Callie was out of sight, I grabbed one of the pillows from my bed and threw it to the ground in a fit of anger. I knew that Owen would never say yes to something like that, so here I was...back at square one.

The day went by extremely slowly and I understood how Meredith must have felt after her attack. My father and sister came to visit, but they weren't too worried. Every other time they saw me I was in a hospital bed. My sister told me I had to be one of the most unlucky people in the world, and she was right.

Who knew that a profession of saving people's lives would put your own life at risk so much?

As night time rolled around, Owen stopped by after he was done his shift to spend some time with me. "How are you feeling?" he asked, walking into the room and closing the door behind himself.

"Like a prisoner." I groaned, "Please, free me!"

Owen just chuckled and he crawled onto the small bed and laid beside me. "Soon enough." he told me, "You'll be free soon."

Laying my head on Owen's chest, I took a deep breath. "Last time I was in a hospital bed, it really changed my life. If it hadn't have been for that car accident, Alex and I would be parents. It's crazy how much of your life can be affected by one action."

"Yeah." Owen's voice was quiet. I could tell that he wasn't comfortable with me talking about the whole 'pregnancy with Alex' thing, which honestly still freaked me out a little bit, too. But it was something that happened, and not talking about it wouldn't make it go away.

"I wonder if I would have been a good mom. Do you think I-" I started.

Owen just pulled away a little. "Stop talking about that, please."

"Just because you don't like talking about things, Riggs and your sister, for example, doesn't mean-"

"You want me to talk about it?" Owen sighed, not really sounding angry, just frustrated. "I had a sister. Megan. She was three years younger than me, smarter than me, funnier than me, better person than me, okay? She did everything I did. We went to med school together and that's where we met Riggs. Nate was my best friend and Megan loved him...and he was with her that day that we lost her. I trusted him with her and he was like a brother to me...and he should've...but he didn't. And I don't talk about it."

I looked up at Owen even though it was staring out the window, pretty much avoiding all eye contact. "Okay."

"Okay," he repeated.

"I have a feeling that I should share something about myself but you already know everything there is to know." I tried to lighten the mood, "I'm an open book."

Owen laughed, "You are not an open book. You are a deep, dark cave that people get lost in. I'm lost right now...I'm lost in you. And that might seem a little scary, but it's not, because there is nowhere else I would rather be."

Wrapping my arms around him, I pulled Owen close and just stayed like that, not moving, for a few seconds. "I've known you since the day I arrived here and somehow it's taken us this long to realize we should be together. How can that happen?"

"I was dating Cristina, and then I married Cristina." he reminded me as if I didn't already know, "And you were dating Jackson. We were just looking in the wrong place."

"You know what would be awesome?" I smiled.

Owen looked down at me. "What?"

"If you grabbed a wheelchair and helped me escape from this prison."

"Are you saying that lying in a bed with me a prison?"

I shrugged, "I mean...I like this. But it's the other twenty-three hours when you're gone that kill me. I just want to go home and see Bear and sleep in my own bed."

Owen placed a kiss on my forehead. "Soon...I promise."

On Call | Grey's Anatomy // Book 3 // COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora