Fallow the leader

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Sophie woke up to a wet little nose poking at her face. She slowly blinked awake to find a black and purple blob way too close to her face. Not recognizing the thing and living on a animal rehabilitation center,she knew exactly how to handle this situation.She screamed and flung the thing across the room. Laughter rung out all around her as she sat up quickly to see what had walked across her face. She saw Dex with a newly dyed iggy on his shoulder,shaking with laughter
"What are are doing here?" Sophie shouted at him
"Edaline said I could come up,she thought you were awake,cause you know,it's noon" Dex explained between bursts of laughter
"How long have you been up here?" Sophie sank back down into her bed,trying her o cover herself with the bed spread
"Not too long,I just got up here,saw you were asleep and decided to scare you" Dex said,his laughter finally dying down as he sat down at the foot of her bed
"Why were you here in the first place?" Sophie sat up and sat crisscross with her legs still covered
"What is this,an interaction? I just wanted to come see you" Dex said,matching Sophie's position besides the blanket on top of him. Sophie narrowed her eyes,suspecting something
"Why?" Sophie crossed her arms
"Why? We are still best friends right? And...." Dex trailed off
"And" Sophie prompted
"I need your help" Dex said,not quite matching her gaze
"With what? I need to know what I'm signing up for" Sophie said
"I want to ask someone out" Dex finally explained
"What? Then why are you asking me? This is more of a Biana question,isn't it?" Sophie asked
"Well,she's not my best friend. Plus she's preoccupied with her own relationship" Dex pointed out. Well,I guess that's fair Sophie thought wait,WHAT?
"Relationship?" Sophie practically screeched
"Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell you that" Dex mumbled
"With who? Why didn't she tell me? WHAT?" Sophie asked getting closer and closer to Dex as she asked the questions
"She didn't tell you because she didn't want you to go all protective best friend on tam" Dex said
"She's dating tam?" Sophie asked "good for her. Now let's focus on you. Who do you want to ask out?"
"Wait,why aren't you freaking out more?" Dex asked,obviously very nervous at Sophie's quick 180 in attitude
"I need to have a discussion with Biana and tam later,but that can't be helped now. So,who do you want to ask out" Sophie explained
"You're....really scary when you get like this" Dex whispered,eyeing Sophie suspiciously  "but,you're offering help so" he raised his voice,but barely "lihn"
"Okay,interesting. Well,we know she's very low key and doesn't like to have things blown out of proportion,so it would probably be best to have a simple,sweet,one on one type of thing. Also,try not to get nervous,it's more attractive when guys are confident" Sophie shot finger guns at him,making him blush intensely.
"Thanks soph,that helps a lot,actually" Dex said "now I gotta go do some planning" he leaped away before Sophie could say anything

Sophie flopped onto the bed,putting her hands on her face and groaning
"Everyone if our friend group Is dating!" Sophie complained "this could either end up very good,or very very badly"
"Yeah,probably" Keefe said sitting down next to Sophie
"It's kind of like fallow the leader. First me and Fitz,then me and you,then Biana and tam,and now Dex and lihn!" Sophie rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands
"Yeah. But we're definitely the best couple" Keefe said jokingly
"Well,yeah. Of course we are" Sophie grinned and sat up next to Keefe,leaning her head on his shoulder
"We're like perfect together" Keefe said smirking
"More then perfect" Sophie voice became soft as she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.He smiled at her and gave her a soft peck on the forehead,even after all this time,soft trails of warm tingles still got left where ever he touched her. She closed her eyes,savoring the moment
"But anyways, my bets are on it all turns out fantastic" Keefe said, pulling away
"Hm. Knowing us? I think the same" Sophie mumbled
"We'll find a way,even if things get ruff for a minute. That's the way out friend group works" Keefe reminded Sophie, even though she already knew.
"Yeah. I hope so" Sophie whispered,thinking of the worst possible scenarios.
"I know so. And I'm always right" Keefe winked and got up off Sophie's bed,stretching.
"Most of the time" Sophie crossed her arms
"All the time!" Keefe said
"Whatever" Sophie rolled her eyes
"Oh shoot,I need to go. I need to have a talk with Biana,and we have a coffee date" Sophie said as her imparted buzzed with a text from Biana
"Oh. Okay,have fun" Keefe said,taking out his home crystal and leaping away. Sophie texted Biana to let her know she might be a minute and started to get ready,picking out a tunic and leggings as quick as possible,and leaping away for a very important conversation.

Authors note
I'm sorry......this is absolutely horrid and definitely rushed,but I'm sick and in pain,so here you go. Sorry.

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