Chapter 33

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Cara's P.O.V.

I really like Zara. She was who I wish I could be. Tall, eloquent and confident. Why couldn't I be like that? If I was like Zara then everything would be simpler. I would know how to behave in public. I would feel more secure with myself. I would be more normal. If I had an upgrade button then let me upgrade to her. Zara was a much cooler name than Cara.

In a short amount of time, she became like what I imagine a best friend would be like. I spent the majority time talking about my relationship with Hannah and she was very understanding. It was how I wish it would be if I was talking to Luna. It made me sad because Luna was the complete opposite. Why couldn't Luna be like her? I barely knew her for a day and she has been much more supportive than my actual twin sister. How ironic is that? A stranger was better than someone I shared the womb with.

"How are you doing?" Jane gave me a look of concern. We were waiting for Zara at this restaurant she recommended. The waiters all look like they were cast from a Hollywood movie. I wouldn't be surprised that they were aspiring actors and actresses.

"I don't know if I want to be Zara or if I want Luna to be Zara," I stated.

"If Luna was Zara, you would probably be envious," Jane replied. "She's got a good five or more inches on you."

"I'm talking about personality not physicality," I defended. It would be embarrassing to have a twin that was taller than you by that much. I already didn't like that Luna was taller than me by an inch.

"I like Zara's taste. These waiters are fine," Jane mentioned as she took a sip of water. Her eyes roamed around the room, from one waiter to another.

"Jane, have you ever been in love before?" I don't remember if I asked Jane this before.

"Yes, a couple of times," Jane said. "The first time was the stereotypical high school love. We grew apart since we went to different colleges and became different people. The other time, I thought he was the one. He was perfect."

"What happened?"

"He never got over his ex," Jane answered bitterly.

"He didn't..."

"Not that I know of. He suddenly ghosted me the entire time. I finally understood what happened when I saw him and his ex together at the subway station being all lovey dovey," Jane explained.

"I'm sorry." People are awful. It reminded me of how cynical I was as a person.

'It's in the past." Jane brushed away some imaginary lint from her jacket. "I always wanted a relationship that my parents have. The banter and friendship they share made their relationship really fun."

"How did they meet?" I was engrossed in Jane's story.

"They were students at Emory University and they were in the same international club," Jane said with a smile. "My dad was an exchange student from Seoul and they became really good friends. He always got on my mom's nerves because she had the best reactions. My mom always called him her pain in the ass." Jane chuckled with joy.

"That's kind of adorable," I said. When I thought of my parents, I didn't have stories like that. I don't even really know how my parents met and fell in love. They never talked about it.

"I guess I'm looking for someone who will be my pain in the ass," Jane stated. "Or I could be their's."

"I'm sorry if you two waited a long time." Zara rushed in and took a seat at the table. "There's been some issues that came up."

"No, it's fine. We understand," Jane said. "Plus the view here has been great."

"Only for her," I added.

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