Chapter Five: Rocky Road and Whiskey

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Ryan's P.O.V.

"Fuck." Thunk. "My." Thunk. "Life." Thunk.

With one last smack of my forehead against the countertop, I kept it pressed against the cold marble and groaned loudly. Why? Why did I have to say that? I mean, everything was going so well. We were conversing, joking at one point even! And then of course, the one time I can talk in her presence without sounding like a complete blubbering buffoon. I go and put my fang in my lip!

Sighing, I stood up to my full height and walked over to the refrigerator. Opening the doors, I paused to decide what I wanted to drown my sorrows in. Oh who am I kidding? Grabbing another pint of rocky road off the freezer shelf, I closed the shiny silver doors. And retook my seat in front of the other two empty pints of rocky road and a half empty bottle of jack.

How could I call her that? How could I forget? One of Kaiya's only insecurities and I went and reaffirmed it in one go. Yanking the lid off, I threw it to the side and picked up my spoon to dig in. She hated me. The way she said fuck you and then told me she wasn't stupid. Moon, she damn near broke my heart. Especially, when I thought I had seen a sheen of tears in her ruby red eyes. If I made her cry? No. I couldn't even think of that possibility.

Mate angry. Go fix.

The words were a growled rumble coming from Slader. As if it wasn't bad enough to have my own thoughts putting me in a shit mood, my wolf did it too. It'd only been a day since the incident and I was still torn up about it.

It's not that easy, Slader. I thought back to him while shoveling another spoon full of rocky road into my mouth. Tilting my head back, I grabbed the jack and poured a shot's worth in before swallowing.

Kill stupid. Get mates love back. Simple.

I rolled my eyes at his smug tone. You can't kill words, Slader. And she doesn't love us.

Because you no tell mate about bond. You scared, Slader not. Slader do it.

I tensed as he tried to force himself into the driver's seat of my body. No. You'll piss her off even more. Besides she rejects every male that asks her to accept it.

Slader whined. We not everyone. Mate see. She our moon. Only one for Slader. Only one for Ryan.

I sighed as I took another bite of ice cream. The sad thing was, Slader was right. Kaiya is the only she-wolf for us. Since we first met my wolf has been drawn to her but up until five years ago I didn't realize I was too. After that awakening, my wolf refuses to try and form a bond with anyone else. I don't blame him though, lately he wasn't the only one in love with her.

Go my Kai. Tell her we strong, I tell her wolf but she no have one.

Our Kai. I growled back at him. Greedy bastard always liked to say she was his when Kai was ignoring me or angry with me.

No. Kai no like you now. She mine.

My eyes rolled to the ceiling. Moon, she patted his head one time after we killed a buck in a hunt and he never let it go. He thought that was her confirming her interest. I didn't have the heart to tell him she was actually just swiping guts off his fur.

Ours Slader, she's our female and she doesn't even know we exist so I don't know why we're arguing about this.

Ryan. Mate no have wolf or human. Mate both but mate more wolf. Respect strength and violence. Show her we have both.

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