Make It Official?

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        (A bit of a time skip but here's when they officially become a couple and have their first kiss!)
Alfred and Ivan had just come back from having their third date. Usually, Ivan would go straight home just like the last two times, but Alfred wanted Ivan to stay for a little while. Gratefully, Ivan took up his offer, and they both went inside for a cup of coffee, Alfred brought over the cup to his kitchen table and slid it over to his date.
         "How is it? I brewed it this morning, so it's kinda been sitting out all day," Alfred said honestly, "it's fine," Ivan says contented, "so, uh, how did you like the date?" "It was nice," Ivan said bluntly, leaving Alfred impatient. Alfred is the kind of person who hates any type of silence, whether it's comfortable or not, he hates not being able to speak or hear anyone else speak, so when Ivan kept giving Alfred simple answers that led to nowhere, he started to get very frustrated. On the other hand, Ivan is a very simple man, with very simple words, so he would rather have the silence then the loud noise, he likes to just reflect and think and put idea in when he feels is necessary; he'd rather have a short, yet deep conversation, then a long one that leads to nowhere.
        "Why do you keep agreeing to go out with me?" Alfred asks, "what do you mean?" Alfred sighs, "I mean, like, we used to be enemies... and now we're just going on dates like nothing ever happened?" "You still can't get that wrapped around your head? I thought we talked about this back in Central Park? Those days are over, and to be frank, I quite enjoy your company, even if you can be very annoying sometimes, da?" Ivan smiles, holding the coffee cup with two hands and taking another sip, "w-well I- wait, really? You enjoy hanging out with me?" Alfred says hopeful, "yes I do, why would I not? Your very different from what I'm used to, your rambunctious and loud, yes, but your fun and very kind," Alfred blushes at Ivan's sweet words, "aw man, that's... I-I wasn't expecting that," Ivan only giggles in reply before Alfred keeps talking, "but... to be honest, I enjoy your company too, ever since the end of the cold war I thought that we would hate each other forever, but, you've been so kind and gentle to me... if I hadn't known any better, I'd say you've gone soft, Ruski," Alfred says jokingly,
"hm, maybe for you," Ivan says warmly, and Alfreds eyes widen a bit at those words, but he soon calms down and his expression turns soft. They look into each other's eyes for a moment before slowly leaning in, closer and closer until the gap closes and Alfred nearly falls off of his chair trying to reach Ivan's lips, Ivan cups his face to embrace the tender moment and to keep the American from falling, only for Alfred to pull away, "man, our bosses are gonna kill us for this..." Ivan rolls his eyes at the comment and pulls him in again. And they ended up staying together for the rest of the night, as a couple.

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