Telling Family (Ivan's)

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       "Fredka, there is no need to be so nervous," Ivan puts a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, "well... Maybe about Belarus... but other then that I'm sure you'll be fine," he smiles, Alfred sits in the front seat of the car, afraid to step out and walk up to the front door of Ivan's house. Ivan takes a deep breath, a little nervous to have a family meal himself, especially with Belarus, who of course still wants to marry him...

       (Here we go kiddies)
       It actually wasn't as bad as Alfred and Ivan thought it would be. The Baltics were the first to greet Alfred, all dressed up nicely with the house all clean and dinner ready to go (bless my hard working babies) Alfred was impressed and shocked at such a formal greeting. He already knew Lithuania and Estonia as good friends so he got along with then the most. He tried to talk to Latvia, which is surprising to him because he's usually left in the dark at these types of things, and he got even more surprised when America asked if he was Ivan's little brother, "sup' Russia's little bro!" (poor child was a stuttering mess) And left Estonia correcting America more then once on the topic.
          As for Ukraine and Belarus, Belarus practically gave him the death stare the whole time and all Alfred did was give her a stupid grin back. Ukraine absolutely adored Alfred, she thought he had a very good sense of humor and didn't stare at her breasts the whole time. Alfred flattered her by saying that she's a fantastic knitter because he saw the way she made Ivan's iconic scarf. Alfred and Ivan didn't tell them until the end that they were in a relationship.
          Belarus lost it. "I knew I had a bad feeling about this dinner! How could you big brother?! I do not approve of this, big brother belongs to me!" To which Ukraine had to take her out of the room and the baltics had to hide all the knives. But soon enough, Natalia calmed down (though it still doesn't stop her from her obbsession) Alfred was pretty much a safe haven for the baltics that night, Russia's spooky aura didn't show up once while America was in the room and Russia's sisters found him amusing. Needless to say, Alfred quickly became a member of their family.

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