When one of them gets hit on (Alfred)

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On one beautiful spring day, Alfred and Ivan thought it would be a lovely idea to walk to the coffee shop a few blocks down from their apartment. They arrived just in time, as it was still a bit early and it wasn't as packed as it usually was. Ivan took the curtesy of telling Alfred to go find a nice table while he ordered, "Sure thing, dude!" Alfred replied and Ivan rolled his eyes at his boyfriends obligation to call him such nicknames but, of course, he smirked anyways (let's be honest here, he thinks it's cute :3).
So, Alfred found a cute little table for two near the window where they can chat and still enjoy the sun. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A woman asked, surprising Alfred as he quickly looked up from his phone, "uh, I-" she sat down, "sorry, I just couldn't help but notice how cute you looked sitting here all by yourself, I thought you could use some company," she winked, and Alfred cringed internally. "Uh, actually I'm with somebody," Alfred rubbed the back of his head and pointed to Ivan, but the woman didn't seem to get the memo, "oh please, I'm sure your friend won't mind," she insisted, "but, he-" "so anyways, why don't we exchange numbers? Maybe we could go to a club sometime? You look like you could be a pretty good dancer~" she leaned over and rubbed Alfreds arm, making Alfred even more uncomfortable then he was before, but thankfully, THANKFULLY, this caught Ivan's attention. "What is the meaning of this, da?" Ivan came over with two coffees, handing one to Alfred while never losing gaze with this rude woman, a dangerous aura surrounded him as he watched the woman's hand travel from his boyfriends arm to her lap, Alfred immediately sensed what was about to happen, "Vanya," he grabbed Ivan's hand, making the big strong Russian soften immediately, "it's alright... I have no clue who this woman is though," Ivan turned back to the random woman, who had a confused and shocked look on her face, "what business do you have coming over here and putting your slimy hands on my Fredka? Hm? Do you want me to show you my magic metal pipe of pain?" The woman was shocked, "excuse you? I was just coming over here to talk to him, I wasn't expecting there to be a weirdo like you show up," she got up and wrote her number down, "look sweet cheeks, if you ever go back to swinging that way, give me a call," she handed the piece of paper to Alfred and blew a kiss before finally leaving (BYE FELICIA). Alfred sighed, throwing the paper into the trash and Ivans aura completely washed away as he sat down in his long awaited chair to have a good rest of the time with his wonderful boyfriend.

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