Chapter 3

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A few hours passed by on that bench, and they continued talking about other things, such as what their school was like, what kinds of food they like/don't like, etc. Kaminari notices it's getting relatively late.

"Hey, so how far away is your place?" Kaminari asks.

"About a mile away from here." Jirou replies.

"Alright, I can walk you there if you'd like." Kaminari says.

"You don't have to." Jirou says.

"It's no problem to me! I didn't really have anything else to do today, anyway." Kaminari adds.

"If you want to come along, then sure." Jirou says, standing up. Kaminari does the same, and they walk off the bridge and towards Jirou's apartment. Kaminari looks around at the buildings as they walk through the suburb, and he takes note of them. After about 15 minutes they arrive at the apartment. It appears to be in a relatively quiet and nice neighborhood.

"Alright, well this is my place." Jirou says.

"Okay. Well, it was nice getting to know you." Kaminari says.

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it." Jirou adds.

"Do you have some way I can reach you? You know, talk to you or something?" Kaminari asks, taking out his phone.

Jirou doesn't have a cell phone as of the moment, but she does have a laptop.

"I can give you my email, I know it's kind of old-fashioned but it's the best I've got.." Jirou says.

"No, that works!" Kaminari says, handing his phone to Jirou. She writes down her email and saves it, then gives the phone back to him.

Kaminari puts the phone in his pocket and sticks his hand out for a fist bump with Jirou. She accepts it, bumping his fist.

"Goodbye, Jirou!" Kaminari says.

"Bye, Kaminari." she says, turning and walking up the steps into her apartment. Kaminari watches as she does so, waiting for her to walk in and close the door. She does so, and Kaminari turns and walks back the way they came. To be honest, Kaminari was a little lost. He was in a part of town he had never really been in before. After walking down a couple of blocks, he makes a left turn and realizes he's completely lost. He keeps walking until he comes across a roadway underpass, then goes up to a man standing on a street corner and asks him for directions. Admittedly, the guy did look a little shady. He was tall and skinny, and had on a beanie that looked like it hadn't been washed in months. Despite this, Kaminari was not afraid to ask for directions, because Kaminari was not one to judge based on appearance.

"Uh, hey, excuse me man, do you have any idea how to get to Shibuya from here? "Kaminari asks the man politely.

The man turns to face Kaminari and looks down at him.

"Oh, just keep walking down this street and then turn right at the barber shop. You should see a train station on the left hand side." the man replies.

"Alright, thank you!" Kaminari says, walking past him.

Kaminari follows his directions and ends up in a familiar area. From here, Kaminari knows the rest of the way back to his home.

About 20 minutes later, Kaminari turns the corner to his street and walks up to his house. He pulls out his key and lets himself in.

"Hey ma, I'm home!" Kaminari says, taking off his backpack and putting it down in the foyer.

Kaminari's mother walks over to the foyer from the kitchen.

"Where have you been? It's 6 o'clock, I was getting worried!" she says, looking at Kaminari.

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