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Barry Allen paced around the room as the members of the board argued whether his idea is good for the company.
Schneider: Mr Allen, I'm sure you have the interest of the company at heart but I don't think this is the right time for this project
Barry: What do you mean it's not the right time?
Williams: What Jim is trying to say is that this project costs more resources than we can afford at this time.
Barry: I know that but the centre for life foundation will save lives. If we can place facilities in all parts of the city and train and equip personnel to run these facilities,then everyone will have access to our facilities and resources. This will save lives: children, parents.....
Anderson: Barry, we understand that you have been through a lot this past week. We'd understand if you want to take sometime off
Barry: Peter, this is a great project for the company and maybe I'm being emotional. I lost a child because of a doctor who couldn't do his job. A part of me and Iris died that day. I just want to make sure no other parent has to go through what we did. I don't need time off. I'm fine.
Smith: Barry, you are not fine. You went through something horrible. You wouldn't be human if you are suddenly fine. Iris needs you. You need to properly grieve Nora. I know how it feels to lose a child. You cannot rush the grieving process....
Barry stormed out of the room and walked into his office where he saw his father waiting for him.
Henry: Hey Slugger
Barry: Dad, what are you doing here.
Henry: I was at your house and Iris told me you were here. How are you holding up?
Barry: I'm fine Dad
Henry: No, you are not. No one would blame you if you need time....
Barry: Dad, I know what you're going to say. I'm not fine. But I can't let myself break down. I need to be strong for my wife
Henry: Son......
Barry: I'm not rushing the grieving process okay? I'm angry and anytime I think of the doctor who killed my daughter, I want to kill him... I want to destroy him. I want to make him hurt as much as we are hurting but I can't do that. I can't let my anger control me.
Henry: Son, I know how you feel
Barry: No, you don't dad. I lost a child. My daughter. My soul..... I feel like a part of me is missing. I'm in pain all the time and I don't think I could ever recover from it. My entire life has been plunged in complete darkness. When Nora was born, my whole life suddenly made sense. It was like I was meant to be her father and now that she's gone, I don't know who I am anymore...,......
And for the first time since his daughter was born, Barry Allen broke down in tears mourning his child......all the memories they had, the memories they would never have.... He would never see her fall in love,get married. He would never walk her down the aisle,never see her have her own children...........
He wept for a promising life and future that was cut short...a star that was not allowed to shine....
His Perfect Little Princess Nora West-Allen.......

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