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Barry: What accident? Where is she?
Dr Palmer: She fell down the stairs. I came to the house as soon as I heard. I'm doing the best I can but you should hurry.
Barry: We'll be right there.
Iris: What happened?
Barry: Hope sprained her ankle but she'll be fine.
Iris: Oh my God. Is she at the hospital?
Barry: No, she's still at the house. She'll be just fine.
Iris: Let's go.
The entire drive to the Allen house was very quiet and peaceful and it was surprising to them especially given the call they had just received. When they arrived,they got out of the car and walked into the house still relatively calm.....
only to met with the sounds of............ SURPRISE!
They looked around in shock and found the room filled with their friends and family. Hope was standing in front with a cake as everyone shouted "Happy Anniversary".
They couldn't believe their eyes and were still in shock as they greeted each and every one of them. After cutting the cake,they saw Ray Palmer walking towards them.
Dr Palmer: Congratulations guys.
I'm sorry about the call but it was the only thing I could think of to get you to rush here.
Iris: Thank you Ray. We're still in shock, that's all. Babe, say something.
Barry: Thanks Ray.
Nora Allen: I'm so sorry kids. I found out about the call after it was made.
Barry: It's fine Mom.
Iris: If we are being honest, we were not that worried. I don't know why but we were at peace somehow.
Barry: Yeah. We were begining to worry that maybe something was wrong with us considering how calm we were.
Nora Allen: Happy Anniversary.
B&I : Thank you.
Henry Allen: Congratulations guys. Sorry about the call.
Barry: It's fine Dad.
Iris: We are fine. Thank you for the party.
Henry Allen: You are both very welcome.
Hope: Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.
B&I: Thank you Baby.
Hope: I'm so sorry about the prank call.
Barry: It's fine Honey. Really. You don't have to worry.
Hope: But I do. Especially knowing what happened with Nora.
Barry: We are fine sweetie. At the least when we tell this story in the future, it will be filled with laughter.
Iris: Yes. It will be so funny when we tell this story to your children and their children after them.
Hope: It will be so embarrassing.
B&I: That's kind of the point.
As Hope walks away, Barry signals to Iris that they should take a walk outside.
Barry: So, thirty-two years after, are you still glad you married me?
Iris: Are you kidding? I'm more than glad I did. I wouldn't trade our life together for anything.
Barry: Even with all we had to endure?
Iris: It's what makes our life even better babe. We have been through so much together. We have seen each other at our worst and we're still together. What more could a girl want?
How about you Mr Allen. Any regrets?
Barry: My only regret is that....I didn't marry you sooner.
Iris: You are quite a smooth talker aren't you Allen.
Barry: I don't know Babe. There's just something about you that makes me want to do crazy,out of character things. Despite all the times, I wasn't the perfect man and husband... you are still here. Still looking at me with so much love in your eyes. What did I ever do to deserve you?
Iris: You loved me.. that is what you did. You defended me, you fought for were there for me whenever I needed you and you still are. You are still looking at me like a high school boy in love for the first time. You married me.... with all my flaws and gave me Nora.....and now, you gave me our heaven sent miracle.... Hope and I can't imagine life without you two.
Barry: Your "flaws".... they are the reason I fell in love with you. They are what drew me to you. They are what makes you the love of my life.....they are your greatest strengths.
Iris: I love you Barry Allen..
Barry: I love you Iris West-Allen.

Hi guys. Hope I didn't scare you too much. We are slowly approaching the end of this story.
Like everything in life,this story is gradually coming full circle.
Thank you for sticking with me and I hope you continue to support my stories as you have always supported this one.
I couldn't have come this far without you....This chapter is dedicated to you all............

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