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The first night they brought Hope home from the hospital was very scary for both Barry and Iris.
Barry had moved her crib from the nursery to their bedroom before she was born.
Iris was unwilling to let her sleep in her crib so they laid her down on their bed and sat by her side all night just to make sure she was safe and breathing well.
They kept vigil by her side and prayed she lived through the night.....
Hope was a very gentle baby who slept a lot, smiled a lot and scarcely cried.
She loved it when her Dad tickled her feet. She laughed when her Mom bathed her and smiled when they made funny faces to entertain her.
She giggled when her Dad told her about his day. She especially loved it when he sang to her and called her his favorite girl.
She loved hearing her Dad talk and fell asleep listening to the sound of his voice.
Her favorite part of the day was when her Dad came home from work. Her Mom seemed to walk on clouds when her Dad was around.
They talked and laughed a lot while he made dinner.
She never understands what they talk about but one thing was very clear: Only her Dad had the ability to make her Mom blush so hard.
She loved spending time with her grandparents.
Grandpa Henry always brings her vitamins. She loved them because they were sweet.
Grandma Nora brings new toys and books everyday.
She loved to hear Grandma Nora read to her. It made her smile and laugh.
After washing the dishes,her Dad plays songs on his phone and dances with her until
she gets sleepy.
The last thing she sees every night before drifting off to sleep is her Dad dancing with her Mom.
Their happy faces feel her with such warmth as she slowly drifts into the land of rainbows and unicorns....the land of dreams.....

Iris smiled as Barry slowly placed Hope in her crib and tucked her in.
He joined her on the bed and kisses her on her forehead.
They sit in silence as they watch their daughter sleep.
She is so tiny, Barry said. I just want to hold her in my arms until she grows up he continues.
We can't keep her from the world Barry. I know how you feel but we can't keep her with us forever. She'll grow up,fall in love and get married. She has her life to live, Iris said.
I know that Barry replied. I just want her to be safe.
You do the best you can Babe. We'll never ask for more than you can give, Iris said.
I love you Barry Allen she continued.
I love you Iris West-Allen he responded.
Can you imagine how we would feel when she goes on her first date or when she tells us she has a boyfriend Iris asks.
I would probably strangle the poor guy Barry replied.
I think you would give him the benefit of the doubt as my Dad gave you when we told him about us Iris continued.
Joe did not give me any room to freely breathe around you. He probably would have shot me right there and then if you didn't suddenly stand in front of me Barry replied laughingly...
He probably would have, Iris agreed as they reminisced about the good old days.....when they were just a boy and a girl who fell hopelessly in love with each first sight........

HURTING (FOR NORA WEST-ALLEN)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant