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The swirling vortexes of hellfire and ash swirled around her as she stood on the podium of corpses. Until she fell. Falling for seemingly forever, the faces of her victims laughing at her as she suffered, their faces the perfect picture of spite, hatred, and malice. 

Then she woke up.

Heart pounding. Thoughts racing. Adrenaline pumping. A cold sheen of sweat coated her skin and she felt feverish, her temperatures as high as her heart rate. She felt her breath rattling in her chest like the roar of a chainsaw. She was alive. Somehow. But she couldn't be. Unless whatever gods that lived above or below had decided to play some twisted prank on her and this was all an illusion. No, she could feel a migraine advancing closer as her head tried to wrap itself around the events that had supposedly happened in a dream.

Still fearing if she was in reality or not, she turned onto her side and gazed down at the floor. There she was, in all her sleeping glory. Nestled into a sunny yellow blanket, was the first victim, Daisy Sarasa. But this time she wasn't rotting in a basement, covered in stab wounds and blood. In fact, she was very much alive. 

"So I didn't kill anybody..." Peach mumbled, vividly remembering the details of each fictional murder so graphically that it was like the scenes were being acted out in front of her.

Did she really kill everyone she held even remotely close to her heart?

Or was it all a fragment of her imagination, brought on by the pressure and stress of those she held even remotely close to her heart?

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