836 31 1

October 28, 2019
2:29 PM

Naalimpungutan ako nang may kumalabit sa akin, with throbbing head, I opened my eyes only to see a standing Shanti in front of me.

"What the hell-- aray!" I glared at Shanti when he threw a pillow. Minsan hindi ko talaga alam ang trip nitong lalaking to!

I roamed my eyes only to notice that I am in Shanti's apartment, in his bedroom. I tried remembering last night but it only caused my head to throb more.

"Fucking hangover."

"Uhuh..." He added sarcastically.

I eyed him and then I realized I am under his blanket, I glanced down and I heaved a breath when I saw my clothes are still on me.

"Duh. Swerte mo naman kung galawin kita. I ordered soup, and don't mention this to Franz. You know how annoying he gets." He said, "Alam mo naman kung saan yung CR, and I bought you spare clothes, go fix yourself then let's talk."

I rolled my eyes at Shanti. Ang bossy!

I did what he said kahit na halos taga galaw ko nahihilo padin ako. What the hell did I drink to make me suffer this much?

I tried remembering so bad pero yung blurry na mukha lang ng isang lalaki ang nakita ko.

He was serving me a drink.

Then boom.

Wala na akong maalala.


I headed to Shanti's kitchen and sat on the counter. He's preparing soup.

"Ba't ako andito?" Shanti glanced at me and smiled mysteriously which made me cringe.

"Stop smiling, ang weird." Which made him laugh, well, weirder.

"Seriously, anong nakain mo?"


"Shanti by any chance, are you a waiter of a certain bar?" Shanti bursted out laughing, he mumbled some words which I didn't understand.

I only heard the word tell.

"No, I'm not a waiter of a bar, and no, you can't stop me from laughing. God, this is so funny." He said, tsking while shaking his head and offered me a soup.

"Thanks." He just nod.

So balik na kami sa snob mode niya? Ang bipolar talaga ng taong yun!

"Hey, can we talk?"

"We are already talking." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is it possible to like someone while you're still not over someone?"

There was a long pause.

Probably a minute before he answered.

"Yep, but the tendency there is mas malamang yung past. You can do it at your own pace naman, you can do moving on and liking another person at the same time but don't try committing yourself to the person you like while you're still moving on. H'wag mo siyang gawing panakip butas."

"I know that. Pero Shanti, natatakot ako, what if hindi ko talaga siya gusto? Kasi he was there on my weakest moments, maybe I only liked the feeling but not the person."

"Could be, could be not." He said and messed with my hair. "Sort things out your own way, okay? But for now eat." Tinuro niya ang soup ko which I nodded like a kid.

He was about to walk away, probably going to his room, before he stopped and said, "You got this, we got you."

Hey, Can I Rant?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon