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Special (unlike my usual chapter schedule) chapter since it's Vince's POV.


"Happy Birthday." I greeted Shanti. He smiled at me and thanked me, I just nod at him.

Unlike Shanti, hindi ko kayang makipaghalubilo ng tao. He has friends but he has still this cold aura pero ako? I don't have friends.

I don't do that.

"Can I stay at the terrace?" I asked, he only nod at me.

I stayed there, enjoying the cold breeze of the night. I was looking at the stars, kahit sobrang daming lamok, I still stayed there because there are a lot of people outside.

Don't wanna talk to them.

I'm fine with myself.

When the night turned wild, I could her Shanti's friends singing.

"Kumakanta hindi naman sintunado." I rolled my eyes, sobrang annoying! Nakakarindi sa pandinig.

I was about to stand up when a person sat beside me. She had her hair in a ponytail but it was messy. From here, I could see (more likely smell) that she's drunk. Her skintone was moderate, not too white and not too dark, she was petite too.

I thought she'll just cry but when she started talking, I was glued down in place.

"Have you ever wondered how vast the universe is and how tiny human beings are?" She asked giggling.

"Because, I do. It is scary what the universe holds but at the same time I am so intrigued of what it has."

Silence. There was silence. I was only looking at her while she's looking at the skies filled with stars.

She's a fallen heavenly body that I'm weirdly attracted to. Looking at her never fails to fascinate me. Like how a moth is drawn to the light.

An amazing masterpiece.

"You know, sometimes, I love talking to the moon. It listens, just like you." She looked at me, her eyes' sparkled and darn it! My heart was fucking racing.

She smiled.

Holy shit she smiled.

"I also wonder how the universe works-- I mean, not the celestial universe but the fate kind of universe, you know?" She was swaying and chuckling.

"If people are obsessed over whether you are making the right decision, they are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another," She  paused, catching for her breath, "God being a rapper sucks, anyways," She giggled, "The universe has no fixed agenda, you know. Once people make any decision, it works around that decision, there is no right or wrong. Only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience." She yawned.

"In short, the universe has no complete control of yourself but then again, I still question the universe's capacity. It's just weirdly amazing how you wished that everything will fall down to its place and the next day, it did. It's a question I can't comprehend to answer."

I am completely in awe on how she speaks, she delivers everything passionately, she's beautiful in her own ways without her knowing that she is, she's completely unaware of how many things she is capable with. And I am completely in awe.

I smiled at her even though it feels like she's only talking to the moon and I'm not around.

There was silence again, until I heard her snore so I chuckled at tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Hey, do the universe a favor. Don't hide your magic..."

After a couple of while of awkward staring at her, I decided to carry her and find Shanti.

Madali lang namang nakita si Shanti since he was the only sober enough walking. He eyed me from head to toe and grinned like a weirdo.

I rolled my eyes at him. Hindi ko talaga maiintindihan an mga tao na nagsasabing cold tong pinsan ko, I mean, he's annoying just by smiling!

"What? Pumunta sa terrace tas binagabag ako. Then she suddenly fell asleep. I'm not stupid enough to leave her there." Shanti just shrugged.

"Yeah, sure. Let her sleep on my room."

"The fuck, Shanti?" He raised his brow, hindi ako nagpatalo. I also raised mine.

He chuckled, "Sa guestroom yan."

"Beside mine." I added.

Shanti looked at me amusedly, "What? My fingerprint's all over her. Paano kung may masamang mangyari sakanya? Edi sakin ang bintang? I need to protect her to protect myself." I explained-- wait why am I explaning?"

Shanti shook his head, "Sure."

Days had passed, Shanti kept texting me kung anong ginagawa niya, even though hindi naman kailangan... kasi...

"Vince? The hell are you doing in my school?" Shanti asked when he saw me, I was startled pero hindi ko pinakita sakanya.

Pasimple akong umubo, "Enrolling." I said.

"At the middle of the class?" Shanti was persistent.

"Yeah, for 11th grade."

"Thought you'll be in states?" Shanti asked, a smirk wad already on his face.

"Change of plans." I simply said.

"Hindi pa kayo nyan." Shanti murmured something but I didn't hear.

"What--" But my attention was shifted to a girl run-crying. Shanti saw it too.

And that girl was the same girl I was with at that night.

She's crying?

I want to hug her and comfort her. I want to punch whoever the person that made her cry. Wait... why the hell am I feeling this way?

Am I liking her?

"Shit, Gwy!"

"Gwy?" I asked.

"Yeah, her name's Drianna Guinevere Montenegre you skunk. Anyways, got to go. Ako na ang bahala sakanya. I'll update you." He said and ran.

I was glued in place and that's when I accepted the fact that I like her. And her name... God, it sounds so perfect.

When 11th grade came. I always pray for us to hopefully bump or be grouped together but sadly, destiny's always a hindrance to us.

Especially if Lance's on the picture.

Sometimes, no, All the time, this dude annoys the shit outta me. And I know hindi lang ako, pati din si Franz and Shanti.

11th grade come and go without a single interaction with her. Dang it. So this 12th grade, I did my best to at least earn a glance from her pero wala.

On the night when I was contemplating to sleep or check out this omegle thing and choose omegle. I didn't regret a thing, not even a single bit.

She's finally mine.

I can finally call her mine.

I was smiling at her while she's fast asleep. We were planning to finish Stranger Things again pero ayun, tinulugan ako.

I tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled, "Thank you, Dri." I said sincerely.

"Thank you so much..."

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