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November 12, 2019

Everything went well. Gaven was discharged last Nov. 10 because suprisingly, his injuries weren't that severe plus walang nangyari sa pagbagok sa ulo niya.

Gaven quitted being a part of the frat, he ended up having bruises everywhere which made us worried bud he just smiled at us.

I guess Gaven is back now.

Guess the accident have a silver lining afterall.

"Are we seriously going to Highmont?" Layla asked. Yes, she's with us now. I made peace with her just yesterday, and Franz started talking to Layla too. I don't know how, but the important thing is, we're back.

And everything's going back to it's usual place.

It kinda scared me, but, I just embraced it.

The fear I felt might just ruin the moment so might as well live life.

Layla looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Layla, can we talk?" Shock was evident on hear face, tears were brimming.

She closed the gap immediately and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She kept on whispering those words. I hugged her back.

"L-lance is also my best friend, I was torn... I don't know where to place myself. Both of y-you are my best friends... T-then my f-family's problem. It was horrofying... I'm so sorry, I s-should have told you... I'm sorry you b-broke up, shit. I f-feel like a bad bestie." I rubbed my hand on her shoulder as she explained herself.

"M-my family was falling a-apart. Then m-my siblings, I don't w-want then to see it, they're still so young... L-lance saw my r-reaction, he comforted me. But I never s-saw him the way you see him. H-he stood up like an o-older brother. T-then one day, he came home, w-we were staying at his apartment, my siblings and me, his e-eyes were red. H-he told me everything. I feel so guilty. I feel so bad. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry..."

I cried with her.

We both look like idiots not until Shanti coughed and we looked at him.

"Panira ng moment." I broke the silence and Layla and me laughed. Shanti tsk-ed and walked away shaking his head and kept mumbling the words 'drama' and 'girls'.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"I love you." Layla said and hugged me again, this time she's giggling.

"Yeah, my cousins are throwing a party. They like that shit." Franz said while driving.

"I thought you hate your cousins?"

"Drianna, sweetie. I love them, but they're just fucking annoying." Franz said.

"But you're also annoying." Shanti spat out.

"Guess it runs in the blood?" Layla shrugged and high fived Shanti.

Geez. Cousins.

It was a loooooong ride to Highmont. Probably 45 minutes from Pineham, but it was worth the wait.

Nagpatugtug kami ng kpop soungs courtesy by Layla the reveluv.

I tell you, it was annoying.

It keeps on repeating the same chorus, zim zalabim? idk.


When we arrived at a night bar called LG's it wasn't still packed. The night's still young.

Hey, Can I Rant?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon