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I scan the crowd of people in front of me, their bodies bumping and grinding to the tempo of the loud music that is blaring through the stereo next to me. The harsh vibrations seem to captivate the whole room, putting everyone in a trance.

Except for me.

I'm here on a mission, and I need to be on my A-game if I want to get anything done. That's when I spot him. After all this time, never did I ever think that I would ever be in such close proximity to this boy. His enchanting smile, his smooth, pump lips. Those sparkling green eyes.

He smiles when we make eye contact. Shit. A flood of panic washes over me as I watch in awe as he advances in my direction. Why is he coming over here? Does he know that I have been watching him from afar for years, and now I finally may just have the chance to confess my feelings for him?

Closer. Not being able to wait any longer, I walk up to him. Now, I think to myself.

I broadcast my award winning smile, and in a small moment of self confidence, flip my hair over my shoulder and outstretch my hand. "Hi Harry, I'm - "

A stern expression overtakes his features as Harry raises a hand in my face, causing me to pause mid sentence. "You're not the girl I was looking for. Sorry I ever made eye contact with you, but I was actually trying to speak to that babe over there." Harry motions his chin towards a tall blonde girl standing a couple of feet away from me, her dress riding up so high you'd think it was a shirt.

I watch in disappointment as he approaches her and does a little finger wave. She waves back and grasps onto a lock of her silky hair, twirling it around her finger as they speak. He leans over to whisper something into her ear, which causes her to blush, giggle, and nod in response. They walk out the front door, leaving me feeling helpless, lonely, and stupid.

It was dumb of me to ever think I'd have a chance with Harry. To him, I'm just another girl he steps around in the hallway on his way to class.


"Christina." I ignore the sound of my name being called, and instead maintain my focus on the doodle that I am in the midst of scribbling down in my notebook. It isn't until I sit back into my chair do I look down and realize that I've drawn a prominent H all across my English notes. Shit.

"Christina, pay attention. Ms. Cornwall is giving you the eye again." I sadly look over at my best friend, Sarah, who's face has an expression of genuine concern. "Are you okay?" she whispers.

I nod solemnly. "I'm fine," I huff out a breath of air. In reality, I wasn't fine. I had the same damn dream again. I got close enough to Harry to say at least one word to him, and he completely blew me off for some blonde skank who probably had a few STDs.

She shakes her head before looking over at our English teacher, who is lecturing us on the importance of re-reading our work before handing it in. The last round of essays that our class handed in were in her words, "horrible" and "lacked creativity". The little mistakes we make drive her up the wall, to the point where she takes off up to five points if you forget to put a period at the end of a sentence.

"I know you're not fine, C. You have the face of 'my life is shitty and all I want to do is sleep' expression on your face. I know it too well. I do it all the time. What's wrong?"

I sigh. Sarah is the only person who knows about my feelings for Harry, to which she greatly disapproves of and has tried to help me move on from him one too many times. I muster a fake reassuring smile. "It's nothing, just slept on the wrong side of the bed, I guess."

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now