Character Introduction

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A/N: If any names or places are real, it's a coincidence and not intended to be offensive. There is only kissing and a tiny bit of blood. Some heavy topics also are explored, so if you're triggered by any of these things, I don't recommend reading, and if this is not your thing then, why are you here? Also, this is my first story so please leave constructive or pleasant comments.

Zolo Starglen

Species: A true blue cat with navy blue on the tip of his tail and inside his ears, with a grey/black patch running from his lower face to the bottom of his stomach

Age: 16


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: pro everyone, caring, accepting of punishment if the victim was saved, harshly self critical, nice, suffers from ADHD and OCD, had a negative past at school but doesn't like talking about it.

Relationship status: Single

Anu Glitwater

Species: Black jackal with some gold highlights thin around eyes but thicker on chest and arms inside of ears gold with thin black stripes

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality:  Protective, caring, nice, encouraging, somewhat of a loner because he doesn't fit in with the "popular" furs, but not much more is known for now, but maybe we'll see.

Relationship status: Single

Others will be introduced but these are the 2 that will be focused on

First chapter coming soon!

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