Spider-Man costume contest

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Ok, I know this isn't a chapter... I'm working on it... alright...


Since Halloween wasn't that long ago I wanted to make some sort of Halloween-ish thingy... so yeah... here we are.

This is solely based of an incorrect tumblr thing... so all credit to the op...

Oh! And this doesn't really have anything to do with the plot. It's just something fun I wanted to do :)

That's All!

Enjoy this... cookie! *Gives you all cookies*


Peter's P.O.V

"Hey Petey~Pie! Look!" Wade says and he shows me a post from what looks to be instagram. "There's going to be a Spider-Man costume contest today for Halloween. Let's go to it!"

We are in my room at the tower and I'm sitting on my desk chair while Wade is on the bed.

"I don't know Wade... Ahhh... Fuck it. Let's go." I say and I grab my suit. He also grabs his suit and we quickly change. "Friday, can you tell Tony and Stephen that me and Wade are going out for awhile?"

"Alright Spider-Baby." I roll my eyes at the name Tony programed the A.I. to call me and Wade is just laughing.

I open my window, shoot out a web, grab Wade and start to swing to where the contest is taking place. A couple of minutes later, we're outside a big building and there's a sign outside saying.

Spider-Man Costume Contest!

We walk in and I see a bunch of people, all dressed in 'Spider-Man suits'. It's quite heart warming seeing them all. We write up our names and I get a little surprised when Wade also writes his name.

"Aww... Is this your way of admitting that you're just a Spider-Man rip-off?" I ask jokingly.

"Nah... I just want to see what happens." Wade says mischievously. Then the judge calls my name... or... well... I wrote Spider-Man, like a lot others but I got to the stage before anyone else could. Everyone in the audience clapped and I walked off.

Then the judge called up Wade's name... well, the name DeadPool. And again, the audience clapped.

"You seem popular." I say and he lightly hits my arm.


After all the contestants have gone up on the stage, it's time for the judges to tell the winner.

"And the winner for this years Spider-Man costume contest is..." Wait... they have this every year? Huh, neat.




I was speechless and Wade nearly fell over from laughter, but somehow made it up the stage to get his prize. His prize was a little Spider-Man plush.

 His prize was a little Spider-Man plush

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(Something like this)

When he got back to me, we left the building and started walking down the street. I was ranting on and on about... to be honest... I don't know. And Wade was just laughing the whole time. We entered the tower through the elevator because... I don't know... I was too pissed to swing home.

Tony's P.O.V

Me and Stephen are sitting alone in the living room. Me drinking coffee and tinkering with something and Stephen drinking tea and reading a book. Then, all of a sudden, we hear the *ding* from the elevator and out stomps Peter in his suit, looking angry and Wade is behind him, also in his suit, laughing like a mad man and he's holding a Spider-Man plush.

"I HATE EVERYTHING!" Peter yells, pulling off his mask and me and Stephen look at him really confused.

"What's wrong Pete?" I ask, trying to hold my laughter. But it's really hard since Peter just looks like an angry kitten.




He yells, motioning his hands towards Wade, who's now on the floor and it looks like he's dying from laughter. Then all of a sudden, Stephen spits out the tea he was drinking and starts to laugh. In the end, I can't hold myself either. And so I also start to laugh too. Peter looks a little annoyed, but after a couple of seconds he also starts to laugh.



Hi :)

I hope you like this little bonus chapter-thingy.

I was just looking at incorrect Avengers quotes and... found the one at the top of this chapter.

I've seen people draw that, and so, I wanted to write my own little "twist"-ish thing with it.

I hope you enjoyed it and next chapter will probably come out tomorrow... since it's currently night when I'm writing this...

Oh! And I don't care if Halloween was a couple of days ago. You could probably describe me in 5 words.

Rule Breaker :)


That's All for Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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