Chapter 35: The Boss Wants You In

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My heart hung as Killian threw the hard punch.

I watched as Michael reached under his arms and tried to restrain him, but continued to fail since Killian is actually a very built man.

Killian shouted at Michael to get the fuck off him, to let him go, all the while Michael was trying to tell him to quit this fight, to step down that it wasn't worth it

Nevana was wiping tears from her eyes and then heading off to one of the houses sniffling in sadness.

Lilith, the older one, went off after her while muttering that Killian was an idiot.

Meanwhile, Melissa was looking at the two men in horror and embarrassment. She couldn't believe it, neither could we.

Viktor shoved Sam off him and gripped Killians shirt yanking him from Michaels hold.

"What the fuck is going on?" Valdus asked sounding a bit out of breath and looking to me and then Michael who was holding his nose that was now bleeding.

I grabbed Val's arm, "Your dad and Killian are killing each other." I said blatantly while he watched Viktor tackle Killian down and then the two began throwing punches, socking one another in the face, the stomach and slamming each other over the dirt.

The scene began when Viktor told Killian to stop eyeing Melissa. We all saw it, he missed what he once had, but he had Nevana and shouldn't be thinking of Melissa. So Viktor was in the right.

Valdus hurried to his dad and restrained him in a swift move while Thomas and Bronx took the arms of Killian.

My poor Michael was standing and letting the blood drip out his nose. Awe my handsome knight in shining armor.

Lily held up a small towel to me and I took it before going to Michael and placing the towel to his face.

He stared at me and then shut his eyes sighing and looking over at Killian.

"Come here, lets get that fixed up." Sally, one of the older nurses said guiding Michael to one of the homes.

I stared at Killian and he broke from the guys grip before charging toward Viktor. Jumping in front of him, I went to block from the impact but it stopped and I looked behind me to see Killian staring over at Val's hand around his throat.

Valdus shook his head slow and threateningly before letting go while Killian puffed his chest and watched Viktor with so much hatred. Then he walked back to his house and slammed the door shut.

Viktor stared down at me carefully before placing a hand on my shoulder, "You're your mothers daughter." He said sounding tired before walking to Melissa who walked him into their home.

Valdus gave me a look over, "You alright Angel?" He asked with a serious look on his face and his breathing unusually calm.

I gave a nod, "Just got a bit scared." I said watching him smirk softly, "Didn't look scared." He stated before looking to his dad who called for all his sons.

He headed off after his dad and I looked to Lily who was giving me a wide eyed stare "You almost got a fist to the face!" She said sighing.

It would've just been another hit leading me to strength, my eyes ran over where Vydia was and I watched her at one of the swing sets sitting down and slowly swinging.

She was sitting with her back to us.

Lily followed my gaze, "You should go talk with her, I'm sure watching her dad and step dad fighting over her mom was a bit hard on her." She said and I gave a nod.

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