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Thank you for coming back for more ^^
Basically just Jaemark fluff in this chapter because why not :P

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Jaehyun got home a little bit later form whatever he was doing and Mark was laying on his bed cuddled into his sheets and hugging his pillow. Jaehyun smiled and walked over to the smaller boy. He sat down on the side of his bed and stroked the hair out of Mark's face. He chuckled at the sight of his roommate on his bed. He knew how much Mark missed him when he left for a long time, so he would always cuddle up to his things. 

He ran his hand through the soft blonde hair, making Mark whine softly and slowly open his eyes. He looked up to see Jaehyun sitting on the bed next to him. "What are you doing?" He asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing on my bed?" Jaehyun smirked when Mark visually panicked and ended up falling on the floor from being caught in an embarrassing situation. "Hey, be careful okay? Don't worry you're fine. I wasn't gonna go to sleep now anyways." He explained while picking Mark up from the ground.

Mark frowned. "I know, but it's just embarrassing..." He complained.

"I think it's so cute how you do these things when you miss someone. Like cuddling up to their things, and pouting when they leave and-"

"Stop! You're so annoying..." Mark whined, a pink blush creeping up his neck and to his face. He hated being babied like this. Or, at least that what he told himself. Jaehyun knew Mark better than Mark himself when it comes to the things he likes and dislikes, and he could confidently say that Mark didn't dislike this type of treatment.

"Sorry, Sorry. Anyways, I have to do some work now. Before I start, do you need anything?" Mark shook his head. "Are you sure? Once I start to work you know I don't like being interrupted." He warned. Mark pouted and thought for a second. 

"Okay, could you get some snacks then? Or just something to eat for tonight? I really don't feel like leaving to go out for food right now." He frowned as his stomach growled. 

Jaehyun smiled at his honesty. "Okay, I'll get us some ramen and crisps. I'll get you your favourite~" Mark laughed a little and said a small thank you. Jaehyun didn't forget to hug and place a small kiss on the top of Mark's fluffy hair before he left to get the food. 

Mark was now alone in the dorm room again. He frowned as soon as the door closed and flopped back down on his roommates bed. He let out a breath and grabbed his phone, not really feeling that tired anymore. He opened his messages and decided to text Johnny about their talk they had earlier in the cafe. 

Hey, thanks for meeting up today. I'm excited to start :)

No problem! It was so good talking to you about everything. I'm so glad you decided to take up the offer. I'm currently looking at a soot I would like to do. Are you free tomorrow?

Oh, tomorrow? Yeah i'll be available at 10am. My classes aren't as bad on Fridays. But i still have work.

Okay that's fine. We'll have plenty of time to do what we need. Meet me outside the gates to your uni. I'll pick you up and we can go to my place to do clothes and makeup. Sound good?

Okay, sounds good to me. Where is the shoot?

Down by the river. The trees are all blooming right now and the weather should be pretty good tomorrow as well. I can drive you back to work okay? I'll take full blame if you are late.

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