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Hey guys ^^ Sorry for the brake, but Wattpad had a data breach and I didn't want to lose anything. My things are safe now and luckily I didn't get my information leaked :)

This is probably going up the day after Mark's birthday, but I'm writing it on the same day so Happy Birthday Mark Lee !!! <3 <3 <3 Idk what I would have done these past few years if I didn't find NCT and if Mark Lee wasn't the cutie he is. Mark will always have a special place in my heart, and I love him to pieces :)

Enjoy the chapter ~
(smut warning, and super long chapter <3)

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Mark woke up feeling refreshed, knowing that today would be special. He checked his phone. Wednesday. He smiled, slipping out of bed to wake Jaehyun up so they could spend the day together. 

He hopped over to his roommate's bed, jumping on the lump of covers. "Wake up!" He whisper-shouted, making sure not to disturb any neighboring rooms.

Jaehyun groaned, flipping over to face the boy. "What." He yawned, placing a hand on Mark's hip. 

"Uh, did you forget or something? It's Wednesday." Mark rolled his eyes like it was obvious. 

Jaehyun's face scrunched. "Hm... Don't remember. Do we not have classes today or something?" He suppressed a laugh when he saw Mark pout and hit his chest. 

"Come on Hyung. You can't be serious." He huffed. 

"I'm kidding Markie, of course I remember. How could i forget your birthday?" Mark's face lit up. "It's like all you talk about a week before the actual date."

"I do not." He crossed his arms. "Whatever. Are we gonna go out after classes or what?"

Jaehyun nodded. "Yeah, I'll meet up with you at the cafeteria." 

"Okay!" Mark exclaimed, smiling wide. 

The rest of the day went well for him. Classes were quick and over with by lunch. He and Jaehyun had about two to three hours before Jaehyun had another class. 

He waited at the cafeteria, looking up every time someone opened the door. Unfortunately, none of them were Jaehyun. 

Hyung, where are you?

So sorry Mark, Doyoung caught up with me in the hall.

Are you coming?

Yeah, in a bit. he just asked me to go with him to get his things for his next class. 

Okay, I'm in the cafeteria.

Got it.

He sighed, looking at the time tick by. Soon, it had been half an hour and still no signs of his roommate. He frowned, trying not to get upset. Maybe he's on his way back, he thought to himself.

Taeyong sat down next to him, a tray of food in hand. "Hey, Mark. Happy Birthday!" He smiled and hugged Mark like there was no tomorrow. 

"Thanks Hyung." Mark giggled and hugged back. 

"Where's Jaehyun? Don't you guys hang out during your birthday?"

"Yeah, but he said he was helping Doyoung with something. It's been like thirty minutes though. Maybe he forgot..."

Taeyong huffed, pulling out his phone. "Bastard." He muttered, dialing a number into his phone. "Hello? Don't 'babe' me. Where the hell are you? Mark has been waiting here for you." A pause. "You what?!" He yelled, startling Mark. "Oh, fuck off." He spat before ending the call.

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