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Thank you for coming back for more ! Finally some JohnMark !!
Please enjoy and have fun reading ~ <3

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Mark flopped down on the soft black couch and buried his face in to a red pillow that was near him. Johnny set down the bags in a separate room before coming back and sitting on the couch next to him. "Did you have fun?" He asked while running a hand through Mark's hair. 

The younger nodded and sat up, facing Johnny. "Why'd you spend so much money on me? I didn't even ask for that much..." He pouted, feeling bad for being spoiled by a man he basically just met. 

Johnny cooed and pinched his cheek. "Because you are so cute~ How could I not want to buy you everything you want?" Mark blushed and looked away to avoid being embarrassed. "I'll buy you anything you want okay?" Don't be afraid to ask for anything you want. "He smiled and lifted Mark's chin to look at him. "Okay?"

Mark's face was pink and he was flustered out of his mind. "o-okay" without thinking, his body moved without his consent and he leaned forward, crashing in to Johnny's chest sending them both down on to the couch. Johnny was a bit surprised but none the less took the opportunity to hug the small boy on his chest and cuddle him comfortably. 

"Wow, I didn't know you were so forward." He teased. 

"I-it was an accident! I didn't mean to fall." Mark complained and squirmed. He was comfortable, and always loved to cuddle, but he never really did it with anyone but Jaehyun. He felt a bit bad for doing this behind his back since he said that he could only do this with people who were really close to him. Then... why does this feel so nice?

Johnny ran his fingers through Mark's hair. "Our next shoot is going to be a bit more professional. You did so well on your first one, that I know you're ready for something better. I'm planning on posting the pictures on Instagram, are you okay with that?" Mark nodded. "People are going to love you. You're one of the best models I've had in my career to be honest. 

All of the praise was making Mark squirm. He didn't think he was that good. He saw someone much more attractive than him that could easily score a modeling job anywhere he wanted. Mark snuggled farther in to Johnny's chest and breathed in the delicious scent. "What happened to your other models?" He asked. 

"They had to leave. Well, more like their contract ended and I wouldn't let them renew it. They just weren't what I needed." This worried Mark a little bit. What if i'm not what he needs?

"Do you have any female models?"

"Of course. I always have at least one female and one male model at all times. Her name is Irene. She's been with me the longest and she's a great model as well. You two should meet each other."

Mark sat up, straddling the other, and looked around the spacious living room. It was around 5 o'clock now and he thought he should probably start heading home since it will be dark soon. "Maybe I should head home now. It's gonna be dark soon."

"At least let me treat you for dinner." Johnny suggested

"You really don't need to do that, Jaehyun will be worried if I get home too late anyways." Mark reminded himself. "Today was great though. Thanks for all of the stuff." Johnny nodded and slipped his hand up and down Mark's thighs. 

"So who's this Jaehyun guy? Someone close?"

"Uhm, He's just my roommate at the dorm. We've been close since middle school." Johnny hummed and sat up, Mark still in his lap. "We wont be happy if i'm really late so-"

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