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Hey Sorry for the long wait. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter! Also, next week I will be having a four-day weekend, so mayhaps a double update if I can? Or just a longer chapter... :)

A lot of JohnMark content today 0-0 Please enjoy this EXTRA-long chapter <3

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When Mark woke up, he was cuddled into Johnny's chest, the older holding him close and tight. He felt much more refreshed after taking that well-deserved nap. He shifted around to face Johnny properly and noticed him looking down at him. "Good afternoon sleepyhead." He chuckled deeply.

Mark hummed and sat up. "I should probably head back soon. I have work today and homework from classes I just missed. Did you finish all of your work?" Johnny nodded and sat up as well.

"I finished not too long ago. I was going to wake you up to eat some lunch, but you were so cute and peaceful, that I thought it would be better to just let you rest some more."

"Thanks, I needed that." He got up and stretched. "Let me change, and then can we go out to lunch together?" Mark asked quietly.

"That's the first time you've asked me for something without me having to ask you first." He laughed a bit while Mark went into the hallway.

The house phone rang and Johnny picked up.


Hello? Mr. Seo? Someone says that they are here to see you.

"What is their name?"

They won't tell me but they are very upset.

"I haven't invited anyone over. What do they look like?"

Well, he's tall, kind of- huh? Oh. His name is Jaehyun. He wants to speak with you and it's urgent.

"Send him up."

Johnny sighed and slipped out the front door quietly. Jaehyun had just come out from the elevator. "I'm here to pick up Mark. Why wasn't he at school?"

"He had a bad night and we accidentally slept in." Johnny deadpanned.

"Sure sure. A bad night. You probably did something to him didn't you?" When Johnny didn't answer, Jaehyun scoffed. "Of course you'd pull something in the comforts of your own home where no one can witness you being a total perv." Johnny rolled his eyes. "Send him back with me right now. I need to talk with him."

"I'll let Mark go back when he wants to go back." They heard Mark call for Johnny quietly from behind the door.

"Mark! Come out here!" Jaehyun yelled. Mark peeked his head out the door and looked up in surprise when he saw Jaehyun. "We're going home."

Johnny stepped in and answered for the younger. "No. Mark will make his own decision on what he wanted to do." Mark hid slightly behind Johnny.

"I-i'm gonna stay with Johnny. I'll come back later." Mark decided.

"Come on Mark. Don't do this again. You're only making things worse." Jaehyun huffed and gave him and disappointed look.

Mark was conflicted, wanting to go back with Jaehyun, but also wanting to spend more time with Johnny. "We can talk later, but I'm gonna go and have lunch with Johnny now." He said in a small voice.

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