。・゚゚・Twenty Two・゚゚・。

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I was re-reading my story again in my free time and looking at the comments and i just have to say that serialmess made my day with their comments. Such a comedian ;-; I think it's worth just going back and reading their comments to cheer me up and motivate me to write another chapter lol :) Thank you all so much for your comments ! <3


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Doyoung squeezed Taeyong's hand as they stood outside of Jaehyun's dorm. "What if he gets mad again?" He whispered. Taeyong sighed.

"Then... I don't know. Let's just all stay clam and talk about this like adults." He responded. Doyoung nodded quickly and pecked his boyfriend on the cheek for reassurance.

Taeyong smiled and knocked at the door. Jaehyun answered quickly, pausing when he saw who was there. "What-?"

"We need to talk." Taeyong spoke. "Can we come in?"

Jaehyun wavered. "Uhm, I thought you were upset."

"I am, but that doesn't mean we can't talk it out."

"Hm." Jaehyun looked over at Doyoung. "Ok, come in."

The boys walked in, settling on Mark's bed. Jaehyun shifted awkwardly at the door before following to his bed. "So," Taeyong began. "I heard about what happened earlier with Doyoung. First, I would like to apologize for yelling at you as soon as you got on the phone, but you know why I was upset right?"

Jaehyun sighed. "Yeah, I know. I apologized to Mark over text by the way. I feel horrible.  " He confessed. 

Taeyong let out a breath. "That's good, but why did you take your anger out on Doyoung? I know we had a disagreement, but you need to learn not to get upset at just anyone."

Jaehyun looked over at Doyoung who averted his gaze. "I was having a bad day." He replied, curtly.

"Even so. There needs to be a level of respect from all of us. It's better to talk things out rather than bursting out in anger. I'll say I was definitely guilty of lashing out on you and I'm sorry, but recognize your side of the issue." Taeyong looked over to Doyoung, squeezing his hand. 

Doyoung didn't speak. "I get it. You done now?" Jaehyun huffed. 

"What?" Taeyong looked up.

"Look, Yong. Arguments are normal in any relationship. We're all adults. I think we can handle things like this. I agree, we should talk it out rather than arguing, but things happen." He explained.

"I don't think you're getting my point... I know arguments are normal, but you lash out and get really upset at anyone and-" He reached for Doyoung's wrist, but the other pulled it away and covered it with his sleeve. 

"And...?" Jaehyun coaxed. 

"I just- I just think you're a bit aggressive sometimes. I think you should communicate your feelings, and we will too."

Doyoung nodded, finally making eye contact with Jaehyun. "I'll try. I'm not perfect though. You guys can't keep your feelings from me as well."

"Okay." Taeyong concluded, figuring there was no point in trying to further the conversation.

The room was silent for a moment, awkwardness hanging heavy in the air. That was until Doyoung got up and stood in front of Jaehyun, pulling the older into a hug. Jaehyun stood as well, pulling him close. "Sorry for totally leaving you by the way. Ten can be pretty demanding." Doyoung spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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