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Y'all school has been killing me recently and I've had like no time to consistently work on this, but it is finally here! It's literally all I've been able to think about. 
Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments on this book, I love all of y'all and I'm so happy you guys enjoy this as much as I do. 

Enjoy <3

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Jaehyun woke up early that morning so that he could get back to the dorms before morning check. The school didn't know about his job and he would like to keep it that way. His job wasn't allowed since it would bring down the school's reputation. So far he'd done a good job of keeping it on the down-low but he wasn't sure if he could keep doing this for much longer.

He got back to the dorms on time and got himself ready for the day. He wasn't sure if Mark was going to come home early or stay with Johnny, but decided to invite Taeyong and Doyoung over.

The past week had been really good for the three of them. Doyoung and Taeyong stopped fighting every time they saw each other, and Jaehyun had been making sure to treat them both equally and spend as much time with both of them as possible. He hoped that they would be able to get along nicely, but it was clear that there was still some tension between the two.

Taeyong arrived first, wearing some cute shorts, a large sweatshirt that swallowed his small frame, and some converse that he painted on. "Jaehyunnie~" He smiled and threw himself on the older. 

Jaehyun laughed and spun him around. "Taeyongie~" He mimicked. Taeyong giggled. "You got here quickly."

"Of course I would come here as fast as I could to see my favourite person." He smiled. "I always get excited when you invite me over."

Jaehyun sat on his bed. "I'm glad you do. I'm not sure what I want to do today. Mark is at Johnny's place, and I don't think he's gonna come home until later today, so I've decided to spend my day with you." He explained.

Taeyong joined him and leaned on his shoulder. "I'm really happy. I kinda feel like staying inside though... let's play some videogames!" He hopped off the bed and plugged the switch into the TV.

An hour of playing gamed and a lot of whining later, there was a knock at the door. Taeyong cocked his head. "Did you order food or something?" Jaehyun got up to answer the door. 

"Hey, baby." He greeted the person behind the door.

"Hey," Doyoung replied, stepping into the dorm. "Hi, Taeyong."

Taeyong would normally be fine with Doyoung, but today was different. He thought that Jaehyun only invited him to hang out. The fact that he invited Doyoung too made him a little sad. "Hi..." He said reluctantly.

"Tae and I were just playing some games on the switch." Jaehyun got back on the bed and pet the space next to him. "You look cute today by the way."

Doyoung blushed. "Thanks."

Doyoung began taking his shoes off. "Wait," Taeyong spoke. The two boys looked at him.

"Something wrong?" Jaehuyun spoke.

"Uhm. Doyoung, I want to talk to Jaehyun alone right now."

"Oh. But I just got here." Doyoung said.

"Speak to me alone?" Jaehuyun asked. "We've been alone for like an hour now."

Taeyong looked down at his socked feet. "I just need to talk to you about something. You don't mind coming back later, right Doyoung?"

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