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tell me of all the bad things i have done.
tell me how i broke your heart and made you feel worthless.
speak word to me of how i have messed up.
of how i'm the worst person you have ever met.
of how i should never, ever speak to you again.
tell me stories of all the glorious memories that you can never think of again, simply because i was with you.
tell me stories of the mistakes i could make,
the mistakes i will repeat once more.
declare to world how bad of a person i am.
make the statement of how they should never talk to me.
of how i totally ruined every little thing for you.
tell all of us about the pain i made you feel.
tell them about all of the horredous heartbreak you went through.
tell all of us about the nights you cried till there were no more tears!
tell me about how i don't deserve to live anymore simply because you couldn't handle my answers to your personal questions.
let them know of how much of a nice person i at least tried to be.
let them know.
tell me about the mistakes i have made,
of all the mistakes i wil continue making.
tell us all the stories of the nights where you couldn't sleep simply because my face wouldn't leave your brain.
make threats to me.
make them about how you will never, ever speak to me again.
about how you will absolutely ruin my social life.
tell me about the most violent things you want to do to me.
tell me about it.
tell me about the terrible, terrible heartbreak i made you feel.
sit down and tell us a story about the girl who broke your heart.

November 12th, 2019

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