Chapter 5

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It was early morning. Jimin's nose twitched at the smell of fresh bacon. He licked his lips and stretched. He pulled the covers off and hopped out of bed. Shuffling towards the door, it swung open. Jimin jumped in surprise. Namjoon was holding a tray of what looked like bacon, pancakes, and apple juice. "Good morning Jimin. I see you're up bright and early." Jimin groaned and crawled back into bed. Namjoon sat the tray on Jimin's lap and proceeded to open the curtains. A harsh light ran straight for Jimin's eyes. "Hissss" Namjoon laughed at the youngers reaction. "It's only 8am. No need to act nasty." Namjoon joked as he took a piece of Jimin's bacon. "My- my bacon.." He pouted. "Don't be sad, I made more." Namjoon grabbed the others cheeks and squeezed them. "Now eat up." Namjoon said before stealing another piece and walking out the door. "Damn bacon thief."


Jimin finished eating and everything. He walked out of his room and into the living room. Namjoon was sitting on the couch, looking at his computer. "Ah. Jimin come sit." He patted a seat next to him. Jimin came and sat. Slowly sinking towards Namjoon, due to the fact he's heavier than the boy. "What do you think of this?" Namjoon pulled up a picture of a sexy maid costume. Jimin's face immediately turned red. "Wh-what do you mean?" Jimin tried to look away. "Well since you're going to start work soon. You need an outfit. Plus you're only cleaning so I'd thought it'd be appropriate. Is it not?" Namjoon looked at Jimin and cocked a brow. "I didn't know I'd be wearing such things. But yea it's okay..I guess." Jimin hesitantly said. "Okay good. I already ordered so I was afraid you'd say no haha." Namjoon continued to scroll as Jimin giggled and got up from the couch. Namjoon grabbed Jimin's arm and pulls him back down. But this time closer. "Where are you going?" He said in a low toned voice. Jimin shivered. He couldn't speak so he just used actions. He pointed to his mouth and then the fridge. "Speak. Tell me what you want." Namjoon's eyes got serious. "W-water...please." Jimin sunk into the couch. "Haha I'm just playing Jimin. Go get a drink." Namjoon lightened up and smiled, showing his dimples. Jimin awkwardly laughed and got up to get a drink.


After getting his water and heading back to his room. He decides to call Tae. He closed the door so Namjoon couldn't hear.

"Hello?" Tae answered.
"Hey Tae. It's Jimin."
"Oh my baby! How are you?! Did you sleep well? Is Namjoon taking care of you? What did you eat today?"
"Tae calm down I'm fine. I just had a question. And don't be all mad and stuff."
"Yes baby anything."
"Is Namjoon bipolar or something? Like he's all nice one minute and then he becomes serious the next. But he like plays it off..I'm not sure how to explain it."
"Hello? Tae? Are you there?"

Jimin put the phone down and shrugged. "Hm. Probably bad connection. I mean I am in the woods."


Jimin gets up and decides to look around the house. He never went upstairs before. He walks into the living room, but Namjoon isn't there. He looks around at first and then slowly makes his way upstairs. It's dark up there. But he musters courage to walk upstairs and into the hall. He touched the walls, trying to find a light switch. Shuffling to make sure not to hit a wall or anything. Instead he hits a rug and trips. Just then the lights flickered and footsteps approached. Jimin didn't want Namjoon to think he was snooping or anything so he went inside a room that ended up being a closet. He closed the door and peeked through the little slits in the door. Soon enough the footsteps stopped and it became dark again. Jimin thought Namjoon was gone, but he was actually blocking the light.


The closet door opened and Jimin fell forward onto all fours. He looked up at Namjoon and tried to play it off with a smile. Namjoon stood there with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched, looking down on the younger. He grabbed him by the shoulders and stood him up. His dominance made Jimin back up against the wall. Namjoon bent down to Jimin's face and whispered to him. "Snooping are we? And what, my sweet Jimin. Are you looking for?" Namjoon's voice sent shivers down Jimin's spine. "I-I wasn't! I was just curious-" Namjoon placed his hand on the boys cheek and rubbed his lips with his thumb. "You know what they say about curiosity Jimin?" He shakes his head no. "It kills." Namjoon's voice was scary but very sensual. Jimin practically melted with fear and arousal. Namjoon leaned into Jimin. He placed his thigh between the youngers legs. He brought his lips closer to Jimin's. The gap between them was closing. The lasting threat and fear he usually felt melted away with Namjoon. It's like his touch was healing to Jimin's broken heart. Jimin closed his eyes expecting a kiss but a loud noise was heard.


"Namjoon! Open the fuck up!" Tae yelled through the door. He kept pounding it and ringing the doorbell. Namjoon growled and backed away from Jimin. He sprinted down the stairs and to the door. "Can I help you?" Namjoon clenched his jaw. Furious at Tae. "Actually you can. What's the big idea huh? So you wanna- hmmph mhph!" Namjoon covered Tae's mouth and looked at Jimin. The younger came down the stairs, obviously a hot mess. Tae looked over at him and then at Namjoon. "HMPH MHPHMHP!!!!" He grabbed Namjoon's throat and started to strangle him. Jimin ran towards Tae pulling him off. "I'm calm! I'm calm! Let me go!" Tae shrugged Jimin off. Namjoon grabbed his neck and rubbed it. "Jimin baby, can you go in your room and lock the door please. Me and Namjoon have to speak. Thank you hun." Tae said with the sweetest smile ever. Jimin awkwardly nodded and walked into his room and did what he said. "YOU'RE A DEAD MAN KIM NAMJOON!"

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