Chapter 7

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It's been about a week and Jimin felt settled in again. Right now they were getting ready to head to the club. It was Jimin's first official day. "You ready Jimin?" Namjoon asked rolling up his cuffs on his suit. "Yea! I'm so Tae going to be there?" Jimin fiddled his thumbs. Namjoon chuckled. "Don't worry baby, he'll be there. We are a little late but it's okay. Get in the car, I'll be right there." Jimin did as Namjoon said and went into the car. He started it to for him. Not 3 mins in the car and Namjoon comes jogging out. "All right. Let's go." Namjoon put his hand on Jimin's thigh and backed out of his driveway.


After a short ride they arrived out of the woods and into the bustling city of Seoul.
Namjoon parked the car in the back and got out. Jimin got out and was handed a bag. "Here are your clothes." Namjoon smiled. He took the bag and Namjoon's hand, walking in together. Jimin was immediately taken by suprise. He looked around and saw Jungkook by the door letting people in. There were half naked men crawling on the sofa's and tables that he soon had to clean. The music was so loud he couldn't believe he didn't hear it outside. He saw Tae on the main stage throwing it back for a couple of business men. Two other men on the smaller stage's did splits in sinc. Jimin gasped when Jin grabbed onto his arm suddenly. "Hey doll! Come with me I'll get you ready." He sorta yelled. Namjoon let go of Jimin and smiled. "If you need me baby I'll be in my office in the back corner. I'll be watching." He walked away and Jimin saw him hug another guy in a suit. He guessed it was his friend. "Come on cutie!" Jin practically dragged Jimin backstage.
He looked at all the men getting dressed, one was shaving his legs in the sink. Jin pulled him into a seat and started to play with his hair. "Okay babes. Let's do your makeup."


After a coupled minutes of being pampered. Jimin got up and was told to change. He went behind a curtain and changed into his slutty maid costume. When he came out Jin places a small princess crown on him. He tapped his shoulder and handed him a tray. Jimin took the tray and walked out and onto the floor. He started going around collecting glasses and trash scattered around. Jimin was singing along to 'Sex talk -Megan Thee Stallion' and swaying his hips. He knew a lot of songs like this because Hoseok would blast them in the house and dance with him, back when things weren't as bad. A young male saw him and started watching him. Jimin turned around and saw the man, he blushed. The man walked over, starting a conversation. "Hey. You got nice moves." The man said. "Thanks..." Jimin shyly looked away."what's your name?"
"Jimin.." He played with his frilled dress.
"Pretty. My name is Yoongi." The elder smiled down at him. He started playing with Jimin's hair. That's when Jungkook came over and stopped him. "Is there a problem here Jimin?" Kook glared at Yoongi. "There is no problem here. I'll is my card Jimin." He put it in Jimin's strap and walked away. "You okay?" Jungkook asked. The younger nodded and went back to cleaning.


It was a few hours into his job and another man came over. But this time he was with Namjoon. "Jimin, meet my friend Jackson." They shook hands. "Hello Jimin! It's so nice to finally meet you." He smiles sweetly. "He runs this place when I'm not here." Namjoon explained. "Yup! I'll leave you too. I have to go." Jackson says an winks. "You look beautiful Jimin." Namjoon touched the younger's shoulder. Jimin could see the change in Namjoon's eyes. They were more lust filled. But Namjoon retracted his hand and gave Jimin a thumbs up as he walked away. Jimin continued to clean.

A hour later, Tae comes up to Jimin all sweaty. "Hey Chim! You should dance it's fun!" Tae yelled. Jimin could smell alcohol on his breath and it made him uneasy. "I-I'm good." He stuttered. Tae wasn't taking no for an answer and grabbed Jimin and put him on stage. Jimin froze. Tae went to the speaker and said "New to the crew...Jimin!" Everyone clapped and whistled. Jimin was shaking and didn't know what to do. He heard men calling him out and saying how cute he is or how fuckable his body was. Tae told the dj to play "Ride or Die - Megan Thee Stallion" Jimin loved this song when he danced. Tae yelled. "Just dance Jimin! You got this!"


Jimin closed his eyes and grabbed the pole. He was stumbling at first but started to naturally move around the pole. It drew attention to the crowd. More than what Tae usually draws in. Jimin's body slithering around the pole, wrapping his legs and swinging. Shaking his ass to the beat. Occasionally his skirt would fly up drawing wild attention from the crowd. Namjoon finally walked out of his office to see why the crowd was louder than the music. He found everyone in the place gathered around the stage. His eyes widened and anger rose quickly in his blood. His friend came out and threw his arm around Namjoon. "Wow" he breathed out. Namjoon clenched his jaw and saw the cause of this.
"Why is he up there?!"
"Calm down! He's having fun." Tae said, drunkenly grinding on Namjoon. Jungkook saw and came over. "Tae! Are you drunk?!"
"Whaaat?! Pft no..maybe." He said and giggled. Jungkook grabbed Tae and pulled him backstage. Jimin finally opened his eyes and saw Namjoon glaring at him. He immediately walked off the stage and another male came up. He ran towards Namjoon and grabbed his suit. "I'm sorry..but Tae-"
"Car. Now."

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