(M) Chapter 10

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Jimin grabbed the handle and looked at Yoongi. "Wait here." He said as he walked in. Tae and Namjoon immediately getting up from the kitchen table and coming over to Jimin. Tae grabbed him and checked his body. "Jimin! Are you hurt baby? Where were you? We were so worried." Tae hugged him. Namjoon looked like he was crying and it hurt Jimin very much. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to hang out with my new friend.." Jimin looked back and Yoongi stepped through the door. Tae pulled Jimin closer to protect him. Namjoon is visibly annoyed by the fact Jimin was out with a strange man he doesn't know.
"Hi. My name is Yoongi. Sorry to keep Jimin so long." He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at Namjoon. He was intimidated. "See! He's nice. I was safe guys don't worry." Jimin escaped Tae and went next to Yoongi. "Again, very sorry for keeping him. I'll be going. Goodnight." Jimin said goodbye and Yoongi nodded, walking out the door.


"He looks so familiar..." Tae scratched his head. "Jimin." Namjoon looked down at the younger. Jimin gulped and returned the eye contact. "Who exactly is he?"
"Well I met him before when I went out that night..he's a really nice guy and he doesn't have bad intentions." Jimin says. "Where did you meet him?" Namjoon raised a brow. Jimin didn't answer and looked down. "Oh oh oh! He's the guy that was hitting on you at the club right? I remember Kookie kicking him out haha." Tae looked at Jimin for an answer. "Y-yes.." Namjoon gritted his teeth and glared at Jimin. Taehyung felt the tension and started to get his bag. "Well. Atleast you're safe Jimin. Just tell us next time. I have to go so no fighting you two." Tae grabbed his keys and opened the door. "Namjoon be nice. Jimin is probably tired from all the fun he had. Goodbye angel." Tae blew a kiss and closed the door behind him.

It was awkward. All that could be heard was breathing between the two. Namjoon turned around and walked into his room. Jimin got confused but felt like he needed to follow him. So he did.

Namjoon took off his belt, making Jimin blush. He sat down on the bed and rolled his sleeves up, then patted his knee. Jimin knew exactly what that meant. But usually he was grabbed and forced into this.


He walked over and laid across Namjoon's knee. He was shaking a little but was comforted as Namjoon petted him. He patted Jimins bum with the belt and held his hand. "I'm very disappointed in you Jimin." He spoke. "You deserves to be punished. I'm giving you 10. I expect you to count." He said. "I'm doing this to start some discipline between us. You can't keep sneaking around anymore. Today you will learn what you've done wrong." He rubbed Jimin's ass and gave it a slight tap. "Start counting." He demanded as he cracked the belt onto Jimin's ass. He let out a whimper and began to count out.

After all 10. Jimin was crying and squeezing Namjoon's hand. He took the smaller and held him upright. He patted his back. "Sorry for being harsh with you but you needed to learn." Jimin sniffled and nodded. Namjoon laid Jimin down on his belly and went to get ice for him.

He got the ice and flipped Jimin so his ass was on the cool ice. Namjoon caressed Jimin's face as the other started to nod out. He turned but stopped as Jimin held onto his shirt. "Please stay.." Jimin pouted. The elder chuckled and nodded. He crawled onto the other side of the bed and snuggled closer to him. The younger was already fast asleep and Namjoon was close to follow.


"Yoongi. Status report." Hoseok said giggling. Yoongi was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. "It was normal. Nothing happened. I mean I met that guy Jimin was with but that's all." Yoongi shrugged. "Really?! Tell me. What he say?" Hoseok inches closer to Yoongi, making him blush. "He didn't say anything..I just introduced myself and left." He nudged Hobi away, feeling flustered. "Oh..well how's the plan coming along?" Yoongi felt like he was gonna puke. He didn't like this. "It's going well..he trusts me.." He looked down, feeling awful. "Great. Do you think we can move into the next stage?" Hoseok was getting eager. He wanted Jimin soon. He hasn't had any sexual contact since he left and it was getting to him. So much that sometimes Yoongi looked like Jimin. "No! I mean...he isn't ready yet. Soon though. I need more time..." He looked at Hoseok. He was staring at Yoongi with the look of thirst. It made him blush and look away. "A-anyway. I should be going. Its late." He started to sit up but Hoseok got on top of Yoongi, pinning him down. He blushed and tried to escape his grasp. "Hoseok..what are you doing?" Yoongi didn't know this side of Hobi. Their faces got closer. Hoseok looked at the others lips and clashed them together. Yoongi let out a small moan between the kiss.


It quickly became a heated session. Hoseok took off Yoongi's shirt and started to leave marks along his body. Yoongi grabbed his hair and pulled him up for another rough kiss. As they kissed, Yoongi reached down and palmed Hoseok through his pants. He moaned, breaking the kiss. They flipped. So Yoongi was on top of Hobi's erection. He slowly started to grind on him. Hoseok grabbed his hips pushing him down harder. Yoongi went down and started to kiss again. Hoseok was getting close, "mmnn..Jimin." He moaned out. Yoongi stopped everything, quickly getting off of Hoseok. He grabbed his shirt and scoffed. "I should've known." He mumbled. Hoseok got up and grabbed Yoongi, preventing him from putting on his shirt. "Sorry..don't leave please.." he looked into his eyes. Yoongi wanted to stay but he felt embarrassed. "Just..text me when you're ready to talk about the plan." He grabbed his keys and slammed the door shut behind him. Hoseok sat down and put his hands on his head. "Fuck." He breathed out. He picked up a cigarette and lit it. Feeling the smoke in his lungs, releasing the stress with every exhale.

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