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3 years have past.

Taehyung and Jungkook ended up getting married, which led to Jimin finding new interests in a certain kink, involving women's clothing, that Namjoon was actually really okay with. But as for their relationship. It was very strong. Aside from the sex that happened often. Jimin quit the club and decided to live at home to dance for Namjoon only, while Namjoon provided for each other. Jimin has yet to forget about Yoongi or even Hoseok, he still sometimes goes back to the good times he had with both of them. Of course it bothered Joon but he understood that Hoseok and Jimin did truly love each other at one point. But even he finds himself becoming angry and jealous over a man who is locked away for good. Mostly because Jimin would wake up in night sweats and cry about dreams he had. It frustrated him that he couldn't do anything and that Hoseok was still attacking his baby. As for Jin, well he was pretty well off. He still works at the club despite his new boyfriends protests. Jin eventually called Mr. Moon, setting up a date. They all have been getting along and everything seems calm and happy.


Yoongi on the other hand, moved to Japan. He had a company over there as well so it wasn't like he didn't have money. He too thought about Jimin, but deep down...Min Yoongi was a selfish man as well. So selfish that he has booked himself a flight back to Korea to pay a visit to a certain pen pal.


"Aaah. Yoongi. My true friend." Hoseok said through the phone. "Cut the crap. I signed the papers. Why we still talking like this?" Yoongi glared through the glass. "Calm down kitten. I gotta settle some business." Hoseok smirked. "Is that cell mate still giving you trouble? I told the dean to replace him.." He furrowed his brows. "Well it's not like it'll matter anymore." He laughed. Hoseoks brought cuffed hand up to the glass. "I'm sorry...I was so blind back then, but I'll make up for it." He pouted. "Shut up..j-just hurry up...I miss you." Yoongi blushed and hung up the phone. He was escorted out, leaving hoseok to smirk all the way back to his cell.

"Why the hell are you smiling fag?" His cell mate sat up. "Will you pipe down Seungri, always in my business." Hoseok plopped down one his bed. "Don't tell me to shut up!" Seungri kicked Hobi's bed and spits on him. "Like I'd take orders from a fag like you." He scoffed. Hoseok turned over and chuckled to himself. "We'll see who's laughing tonight.." he whispered.


It was shower time for block C. The guards escorted the men to the showers, beating whoever breathed the wrong way. Hoseok and Seungri were in the last couple of groups to go. Hoseok grabbed Seungri by his arm and hid in the broken shower. The other prisoners shrugged and just took their places. "What the fuck!" Seungri yelled, but to be covered by Hoseoks hand. "Shh. Do you want to get out of here?" He whispered. Seungri's eyes widened as he nodded. "Then listen to me, I'll distract the guard tonight while you slip out. Meet me in the bathrooms okay?" Seungri nodded and Hobi let go of him. He smirked and started to dry off.


Later that night, it was bed time. Every guard accounted for the cells. After roll call, there was usually one or two guards on duty, since block C was smaller than the others. Hoseok looked out of his cell and spotted the guard. He whistled for him to come over. Seungri was pretend sleeping, waiting for his chance to leave. "What do you want?" The guard said. "Is it only you?" Hoseok asked. "Yea. Why?" He cocked his brow. "Must be exauhsting watching all these people.." Hobi tapped his fingers on the Guards chest. "I bet it gets lonely.." he looked up and moved his hand towards the Guards belt. "Want some company?" He tugged at his belt. The guard gulped and opened the cell door. Before he could close it, Hoseok pushed him onto the floor and straddled him. They started making out heavily. Hoseok made the motion behind his back to Seungri, who quickly walked out the door. "You're very naughty." The guard said. "And your very needy." Hoseok replied, grinding down on the mans penis, making the other grunt.


After awhile of hiding in the stall, the doors opened to the bathroom and hoseok came knocking on the stall. "Hey. Open up." He said. "You are one nasty fuck. I like the way you work." He chuckled. "Ah thanks, sadly I don't like you." Hoseok smirked. "What-" Hoseok smashed Seungri's head against the wall and shoved his head in the toilet. Seungri struggled, trying to push up for air. "Oops! I didn't specify what kind of 'out' I meant back then. Silly me." He chuckled. Seconds later, movement stopped. He smiled to himself. "Consider business taken care of." He laughed, making his way back to his cell. Passing the guard, who gave him a tap on his bum.


The next morning. Hoseok was woken up abruptly by 3 guards. "Hey! Wake up fucker!" One guard said. "What?" His voice was raspy. "It's time." The guard said. Hoseok smiled and jumped out of bed. They walked down a long hall, and basically tossed hoseok in a room with a bag of clothes.

After getting changed, the guards took him down another hall into these doors. A harsh light hit his eyes, making him squint. The guard took the cuffs off and pushed him forward. "Congrats. You're free." The guard said closing the door. "Can't believe you actually did it." Hoseok chuckled. "Yea well I liked the orange. It suits you." Yoongi smiled, grabbing onto Hoseoks shirt. Hoseok leaned down and kissed Yoongi, grabbing his ass. "Mn...Hobi we are gonna be late for the flight.." Yoongi pushed slightly away. A servant was standing next to a car with the door held open. "Here you are sir." He said. "Thank you. Take us to the airport." Yoongi signaled the chauffeur. "Very well Mr. Min." He drove off. "Well Mr. Min how long till we get to be alone."  Hoseok pulled Yoongi closer. "Soon. Be patient." He leaned his head in Hoseoks shoulder. "So disrespectful, I'll punish you later for that." Hoseok groped Yoongi's inner thigh. "W-we'll see..." He blushed, looking out the window as the trees go by. "We'll see." He mumbled.

Lmao Rip Seungri. Anyway. Thanks for reading, love you! Also I suck at epilogues sooo

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