Chapter 16: End

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It has been a week since the incident. Jimin and Namjoon had a court date coming up. Jimin finally decided to put Hoseok away for his actions, and all evidence would lead to him going away for a long time. Namjoon has been nothing but supportive throughout this whole thing, he even let Jimin go to Tae's apartment even if he wanted Jimin himself. Yoongi and Jimin haven't spoken since then. Yoongi was filled with guilt and couldn't find the courage to apologize to Jimin just yet.


"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Namjoon asked Jimin. "Yea..." The younger looked down feeling tears in his eyes. "Sh baby, it's okay I'll be right there." Joon said wiping his tears. Everyone was around Jimin, even Jin from the Club.

Just then the doors opened and a tall man with a strong build came in. "Good to see you Mr. Park, you have nothing to worry about." The mans voice was really deeply toned but somehow smooth. "I'll be your lawyer, Mr. Moon." He bowed. "Lawyer? I thought you were a stripper. What's with the revealing outfit?" Jin spoke up. "Ah haha, yes. Well when you get to be as wealthy as me, you don't need to abide fashion rules." He smirked, making Jin become flustered. "Well now, anything else beforehand gentlemen?" Mr. Moon sat on the desk with authority. "Yea uh, where is Mr. Myung?" Namjoon asked. He didn't know who Mr. Moon was because that isn't his lawyer. "Mr. Myung? Ah well he was taken from your case. He wasn't all that good. But I must say, for such wealthy people, why hire him first?" Moon cocked his brow. "We didn't hire you." Tae spoke. "No? But surely one of you is Mr. Min?" He scratched his neck. Jimin's eyes widened. "You mean Yoongi bought you" Jimin looked up at his lawyer. "Well, yes. Haha. I'm his lawyer even though I haven't met the man. Mr. Min is quite the wealthy man. But for now. Enough questions. Let's start the trial shall we?" He smiled. Everyone walked out of the office, Jin last, to get a nice glimpse of Mr.Moon's ass.


And so, there it was. The court room. Jimin held onto Namjoon's hand as tight as he could. Him and Joon sat in the plaintiff row, while everyone was a seat behind. Jimin looked around and saw Yoongi. They made eye contact but pulled away. "I can't believe him." Namjoon whispered. "What?" Jimin questioned. "He's really sitting on that bastards side." Joon looked over at Hoseok who has a patch on his head. Jimin looked over as well and began to cry again. "Jimin why are you crying baby?" Joon's voice soothed Jimin's ears. "I-I don't know why but...I feel bad for him...something's wrong with me Joonie.." Jimin grabbed his hair, yanking on it. Joon grabbed onto Jimin and held him. "'s okay Jimin. You just have a big heart." He cradled him. Tae put his hand on Jimin's shoulder as comfort.

"All rise." The Judge said coming out of his chamber's. He did his speech and everyone sat down again. "Nice to see you again Mr. Moon. Once again wearing inappropriate attire." The Judge chuckled. "What lawyer would I be if I didn't put on a show." Moon winked at the people around him. "What a show indeed." Jin whispered. "Alright, let's begin."


After everyone said their statements and showed each side. The Jury went into another room. Jimin was full on shaking from being questioned so harshly. Mr. Moon turned to Jimin and engulfs him in a big hug full of expensive cologne. "Out of all my years of doing this job, your story really touched me. I'm so sorry and I hope that man burns in Hell." He looks into Jimin's eyes. "Will we win?" Jimin asked. "I promise we will." Just then the jury comes back in. Jimin scrunched his eyes and buried into Namjoon's arm, not wanting to hear the results. "On the charges for abuse in the first degree, we find the defendant. Guilty. On the charges of rape in the first degree, we find the defendant. Guilty." One juror says. "Thank you. Court is adjourned." The judge banged his gavel.

"Jimin! We won! Baby we won!" Namjoon picked him up and pampered him with kisses. Jimin cried and smiled as everyone of his friends gathered around him. Amongst the cheer, Jimin saw Yoongi get up and leave without saying a word. Hoseok on the other hand was screaming and cussing. He punched and kicked a police officer. "FUCK YOU WHORE! YOU DESERVED IT! I GAVE MY LIFE FOR YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed through the courtroom. "Let's leave." Mr. Moon escorted them out.


"Thank you! Really.." Jimin bowed to Mr. Moon. "Ah, no thank Mr. Min. Without him I'm pretty sure your case wouldn't have ended the same. I enjoyed working with you. Please take my card." Moon handed it to Jimin, who handed it to Jin behind his back. "I hope to not see you again haha! Be safe kids!" Mr.Moon walked out of the courthouse. "Ya! Who's he calling a kid." Jungkook said. "Holy shit! On his card it says he's 32!" Jin gasped. "No way! a guy that good looking?" Tae said, earning glares from Kook. "Jimin, are you alright?" Joon asked. "I'm...not sure. I still feel bad but I" Jimin shrugged. "I see. Well why don't we go get some food to help ease our minds, hm?" The elder held onto Jimin's hand.

"Are you dorks coming or what?" Joon yelled from the car. "Yea! Wait up!" They ran, getting into the car. Joon opened the passenger seat for Jimin but the other closed it. "I have to do something first.." Jimin walked away. "Oi! Jimin-" Joon yelled out.

"Yoongi..." Jimin tugged onto his sleeve. The older was getting into his car but Jimin stopped him. "J-jimin...what-" he was cut off by Jimin hugging him. "Thank you." Jimin hugged tighter. Yoongi hugged him back. "Jimin listen to me.."
"No! Yoongi I don't care about an apology. You doing that for me is thanks enough. All I want is to be friends again." Jimin smiled. "Jimin...I'm...I'm moving." Yoongi looked down at the younger who pouted. "What?! No! Why?!" He tugged onto Yoongi's suit. "Don't leave me.."
"Jimin..I'm sorry. For everything. All I do is hurt people. I'm moving to Japan. I need to get away and focus on my future." Yoongi leaned closer and kissed Jimin's cheek. "Thank you for being my friend and trusting me even though I hurt you. Goodbye Park Jimin." Yoongi got into the car. Jimin was sobbing and hitting the window. Yoongi was holding in his tears as the car drove away. "Napkin sir?" His chauffeur offered. "Just..go faster." He exhaled.

Jimin dropped to his knees and sobbed. Namjoon came rushing over and picked him up. "Hey. Hey. Hey. What's wrong baby?" He patted his back. "H-he l-left...m-me..." Jimin choked out. "Oh Jimin...come on let's go get food. It will make you feel better." Joon helped him up. "Are y-you going t-to leave me too?" Jimin sniffled. The taller bent down, "I will never, ever leave your side Park Jimin. I love you, and always will." He said seriously. Jimin blushed and wiped the tears from his eyes. He pulled Namjoon in by his collar and kissed him. Namjoon too embracing the younger. The kiss was broken up by the sound of honking. "Hurry up homo's! The pizza isn't going to eat itself!" Jin yelled from the window. They both chuckled and made their way to the car. Jimin couldn't be happier to have the people who really love him by his side. He truly felt like he belonged.

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