12 • Seizure

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Carlos' POV

I turned around and saw Ben. For some reason I always felt jealousy when I was around him.

Was it because he was dating Mal? Maybe. I wasn't really sure.

"What do you want!" I spat, rudely. "Calm down Carlos. I just wanted to chat" Ben smiled.

"Uh okay" I said. We walked into the forest.

"So what is it?" I asked. "Stay away from Mal!" He yelled.

"What?! Why should I!" I scoffed. "Because! She's my girlfriend! Not yours. Stop kissing her and everything!" Ben snapped.

"I don't give a fuck if she's your girlfriend!" I snarled.

"Carlos! I'm warning you! Leave her alone!" Ben snapped.

"No! She's mine! It doesn't matter what you say. I'll hang out with her whenever I want!" I shouted.

"You know what Carlos! I regret bringing you here. I've heard everything. I'm happy your brother died!" Ben yelled, going red.

"Shut up!" I yelled, tears forming in my ears.

"I believed in the VK'd changing. Except for you. Your life has always been messed up!" Ben growled.

"N-No! S-Shut up!" I remarked, crying.

"Back off Ben!" A voice yelled. I saw Jay.

"What happened?" Jay asked. "Carlos did! He's trying to steal Mal!" Ben yelled.

"Ben what happened to you. Mal doesn't like the jealous you!" Jay scoffed.

"How do you know!" Ben yelled.

"Carlos!" A voice exclaimed. I looked up and saw Mal, Evie, Jane and Lonnie run up to me

I fell to the ground, covering my eyes.

I started to breath heavily.

"What's happening?" Jane asked.


Mal's POV

Carlos started to breathe heavily. Then he started to sob and shake.

But in a weird way. Like he couldn't control it.

"Oh shit! He's having a seizure!" Jay exclaimed.

Carlos' legs were moving up and down. Like something was teasing him.

"Call an ambulance!" I exclaimed. Only Ben had his phone.

"Ben call them!" I yelled. Ben just growled and walked off.

"How could he?" Lonnie spat.

"My phone is 2%!" Evie exclaimed. She started to call the ambulance..

"Yeah, okay! We're at—" but then Evie's phone died.

"Oh what are we gonna do!" Jay panicked. "Lift!" I said.

Jay and me held Carlos by his arms while Jane and Evie held him by his legs.

It was hard, because Carlos was shaking.

We got to campus and saw an ambulance.

The doctors came and took Carlos.

"Who called then?" I asked. We saw someone walk up to us.

"Oh thanks God Doug!" Evie smiled. "How did you know?" Jane asked.

"Ben just told me. He was pretty angry. Do you know what happened?" Doug asked.

I'm So Fucked Up • Marlos Fanfiction • Descendants (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now