16 • Caught

407 6 3

1 Week Later

Carlos' POV
Everyone was questioning. Where was Ben.

Well, I made a fake note saying "Ben" went in a trip far away.

Nobody has caught me though. Mal did think I killed him.

I lied for a while until I cracked. I told her. She was mad at me but forgave me.

We were watching a movie.

Mal had fallen asleep on my lap.

She woke up. "Well, hello cutie" I chuckled.

"Hi puppy" Mal smiled and kissed my cheek.

I turned on my phone to check the time.

Mal looked at my phone. "Who's that?" She asked, referring to my lock screen.

"Just my role model" I said. "Jeffery Dahmer? Cannibal male rapist?" Mal asked.

"Yeah" I reply. "Why?" Mal asked.

"He was cool. Very awesome. The way he captured his victims. He wasn't scared of anything or anyone. He didn't care about being caught. I'm a pussy in the cannibal world. My kind would take me as a joke. I mean, falling in love, scared of being caught. It takes so much skill and planning to have the perfect capture, the perfect method I use as I kill them. I'm a pathetic excuse for a cannibal" I shrugged.

"You're not a pussy to me. You can be a bit out of control at times. You work hard for your food. I don't exactly support you and I know you can change. You don't need to be some crazy, lunatic, psycho to get respected by other cannibals. Your kind kill eachother. I bet if Dahmer was right here in this room, you'd be praising him. He wouldn't care that you think of him as your role model. He probably wouldn't even let you speak, he'd rape you then slaughter you. You can't tell me I'm wrong" Mal explained.

"That's true but I still look up to him" I told Mal.

"You tell me cannibals want to be loved and in control. They want power and dominance, they don't want to be rejected. You have love, 'Los. A a man j expect you to have control over the relationship, and you somewhat do. You kill, rape and eat other people, but you five me all your love. I know your better than anybody. Please don't run about naked and hack people to death in the streets. 'Los, if you get caught then I don't know what I'll do. I worry about you because I love you. I know who you really are. Your my puppy

I know for a fact you'll never be a psycho like Dahmer" Mal smiled and kissed me.

Assembly Hall
Next Day

Carlos' POV

There was an assembly today. Fairy Godmother, Beast and Belle were talking about stuff happening.

"You okay?" Mal whispered. "Yeah" I smiled.

"I love you" Mal gushed. Suddenly the doors slammed opened, guards busting in.

They grabbed me and pinned me to the ground.

Everyone gasped. "Let me fucking go!" I yelled.

"Carlos Oscar De Vil! You are under arrest for cannibalism, killing and eating King Ben, raping people and more!" A guard yelled.

"You killed my son!" Belle exclaimed. "YOU KILLED BENNYBOO!" Audrey screamed.

"Villain!" Chad yelled. "No! Let me go! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" I cried.

"Let him go!' Jay yelled. "Move back, unless you want to be arrested!" A guard bellowed.

Mal's POV

"No!" I cried. I tried to run up to Carlos but Lonnie pulled me back.

"I'm sorry Mal" he said, tears falling down his eyes as the guards cuffed him and left.


Carlos' POV

So here I sit. In my cold prison cell. In the dungeon. I knew Mal was wrong.

I can't change.

I was alone. They didn't give me a cellmate cause they think I'll either rape or kill them.

So I sit alone. Going crazy. Already taking to the walls. I've been here for about a week.

They feed me as quarter of a slice of bread everyday. I was so hungry. They treat me like a dog locked in a cage.

I wear an orange jumpsuit. Like hell, I'm not fucking Donald Trump!

I'd even fucking rather wear white and black prison uniform

So what, if I look like a zebra?!

It's better than looking like a fucking orange?!!?

Not even the guards talk to me. Whenever they come they stand outside and say "De Vil, food!" And Chuck it through the bars.

How tempted am I to just rip off their heads.

Mal?! Yeah, I still think about her everyday. I don't think I've ever not touched myself for this long.

I'd do anything to see her. I even tried to be nice to the guards. Saying pleases and thank yous. But what do I get in return?!

Ignorance. I hold back all my threats and cussing.

"De Vil!" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

He opened the cell.

"Yeah" I reply, staring at the wall.

"You have been allowed a visitor. But I have to stay in the cell with you. You can't be trusted" the guard explained.

"If it's that fucking psychiatrist dickhead, tell her to piss off!" I snapped, lying on the cold prison bench.

"'Los?" I hear her voice.

I saw Mal!

I stand up and started running but the guard stopped me.

"No it's okay. Let him go" Mal said. "We can't. He's too dangero—"

"I said let him go!" Mal yelled, her eyes going green.

"Leave us alone for a while" Mal snapped as the guard left.

The first thing I did was kiss her, while tears slipped from my eyes.

"I love you baby" I muttered, kissing with passion. "I missed you."

We kept kissing. She pulled away.

"Carlos" she said. I stared to kiss her neck as she moaned.

"Carlos listen!" She yelled. "'Los, I've been coming here every day, trying to see you. But they never let me. They only allowed it today because you're not gonna be here tomorrow" Mal explained as she started to cry.

"Wait what?" I whispered, hugging her.

"Adam, Belle, Fairy Godmother, the Council and a bunch of students made a choice to publicly hang you...."


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