21 • Sceptre Stolen

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Carlos' POV

Well a couple of things have happened.

When we got the 4 VK's, Hades tried to escape the barrier.

Mal turned into a dragon and pushed him back in.

I was with Evie in her little castle.

She was sitting on a couch and my head was on her lap.

Mal had a meeting to go with Belle, Beast and Fairy Godmother.

I didn't really want to go.  "You okay Snowball?" Evie asked.

"Yeah, just confused" I muttered. "Wanna talk about it?" Evie asked. I shook my head as Mal walked in.

"The sceptre and the crown has been stolen" Mal exclaimed.

"Wait what?!?" I yelled, standing up.

"Carlos!" Evie said, pulling me back down as Mal sat.

"Who else knows about the crown and the sceptre?" Evie questions.

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures" Mal said.

"Will this delay us bring over more VK's?" Evie asked.

"They're thinking about closing down the barrier for good" Mal said.

"What about you?" I asked. "I said no" Mal said.

"But your the queen. And you said no?" Evie questioned.

"I mean, the four of us are living the dream, and we finally get to share that. I mean what could be more important than that?" Evie smiled.

"I know. I mean, maybe security, or peace on mind for everyone in Auradon.." Mal said.

"Is that what they're thinking? M, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in our out of the Isle ever again? And what, we never get to go back and see our parents" Evie said.

"Isn't that a good thing" I muttered, tiredly.

Evie rolled her eyes. "And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted" Evie continued.

"Yeah I know" Mal sighed.

"M, I'm so glad you are gonna be queen. You will be apart of these conversations and stand up for the VK's" Evie smiled, hugging Mal.

"Thank you for telling us. Your going to be a great queen!"


Carlos' POV

I was in my dorm getting my shoes on when I got a phone call.

I saw it was Jane.

"Yeah, Jane I'm on my way to the party" I chuckled.

"No! Don't. Audrey's got the sceptre. I'm gonna call mom!" Jane exclaimed and hung up.

What the hell happened!?

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