30 • Hospital

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Evie's POV

We were banging on Carlos' door.

"God! Carlos let us in!" Jay yelled. We heard sobbing.



"Carlos!" I yelled.

"Make it easy, male it quick. Open up without a kick" Mal spelled as the door opened.

We walked in and gasped.

Carlos was on the floor, blood coming out of his mouth, wrists and pills were all over the ground.

"He tried to overdoes himself!" Jay exclaimed.

"We need a doctor!" I yelled.


Mal's POV

We got to the hospital. Carlos was put on a Stecher.

Right now Cameron was trying to get into Carlos' room.

"Mr De Vil your not allowed to come in" a doctor said.

"That's my brother in there! I-I can't loose him" Cameron yelled.

Doug and Evie were sitting together.

Lonnie was sitting next to Jay. Uma, Harry and Gil were looking down on the ground.

Audrey and Chad were frowning.

Cameron sighed and sat down.

Jane sat next to him, hugging him. 

Cameron stated to cry.

I was pacing around.

"Mal calm down!" Evie said. "Calm down?! My fiancé is nearly lying on his deathbed!" I exclaimed, my eyes flicking green.

"Why did he do this?" Jay asked.

Lonnie sighed, turning on Carlos' phone.

"Maybe cause of this..." Lonnie trailed off.

I read Carlos' phone and a bunch of people were messaging him mean and hurtful things.

I scrolled down and saw that he'd been messaging himself?

"Why the heck is he messaging himself?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. Let's check" Jay said.

We all huddled together.

I can't fucking take this anymore! I'm sick and tired! Sick of being a pussy! Sick of putting a smile on my face. I just want to die right now. Mal fucking broke up with me! Even if she wants me back I'm not good enough. I keep snapping at her! And people are right. I'm just the cannibal from the Isle. Nothing can change that. I'll probably end up eating Mal's kids. Not my kids. Just Mal's. They don't deserve me. People think cutting is for attention. For mental people who need help. It's not. I don't want to have attention. Cutting tales away all the pain. It actually makes me feel like someone cares. But when I stop getting that feeling I do it more. And I'm fucking fat! The messages are right. I'm literally a pumpkin. Starving myself makes it better. I think my friends have started to notice. My voice has been raspy. I just want everything to go away. I get little panic attacks now and then but nobody knows. What should I do.

Nobody said anything.

Jay growled

"We're all assholes! We're terrible fucking friends that we couldn't notice our friend had depression and suicide thoughts?!" Jay yelled.

"Jay......" I said. "Just shut up Mal!" Jay remarked and stormed off.

"Give him some time" Evie said to me.

"Carlos De Vil!"

As soon as we heard that name, our heads quipped the other way.

We saw the doctor. "Yes!" Gil said.

"Carlos is fine. We pumped up his stomach. He will just be asleep for 48 hours" the doctor answered.


He's gonna be okay.

Jay's POV

I was outside the hospital trying to calm down.

I took deep breaths. "Jay!" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw Cameron.

"Cameron just leave me alone" I muttered.

"He's going to be okay!"

"What?!" I yelled. "Carlos should be waking up in 48 hours" Cameron smiled.

"That's great!" I smiled back. Cameron then sighed. "But that still doesn't change anything" Cameron continued.

"He is still depressed and doesn't know how to cope with his feelings."

"Should we head back inside?" Cameron asked.

I nodded. We walked back inside to the waiting room.

I sighed and sat down as Lonnie rubbed my back.


2 Days Later

Cameron's POV

"How is he?" Evie asked. "He's awake now. You can see him. But one at a time" the doctor explained.

I decided to go first. I walked into the room and saw Carlos.

I ran up to him and hugged him. "Thank god your alive!" I smiled.

But I shouldn't of said that. You'll find out why.


Mal's POV

We stood behind the door. We heard a scream. We opened the door and saw Carlos shaking and trembling.

"What the hell is going on!" Harry yelled.

"Why!" Carlos screamed, trying to hold back his tears.

"Why did you save me! You should of just let me die!" He yelled louder.

"Carlos..." Cameron started and moved closer.

Carlos' heart monitor started to beep fastter.

"GET OUT! WHY DID YOU FUCKING SAVE ME! I HATE YOU ALL!!" Carlos bellowed at the top of his lungs.

He pulled out all the tubes and wires from his and stormed out, limping.

"Carlos!" I yelled, chasing after him. "What do you want!" He scowled.

"Carlos you need to stay in the hospital. You need those tubes on you" I said.

"Whatever?! I couldn't care less if I died because I'm so fucked up!"

And with that he left.

I'm So Fucked Up • Marlos Fanfiction • Descendants (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now