Team Sage

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I linked arms with Arrie as we paraded to our first class of the day. It felt like every typical Monday, a drag. I was tired from the constant internal fight over Thanksgiving break, trying to convince myself if Ashton really cared about me or not. To conclude the argument, I was still at a loss. Being at home and having the unavoidable urge to look out of my bedroom window into Ashton's, really fucking killed me. I caught a glimpse of him kissing Veronica and if I thought I was in a shitty mood before that, then I was definitely on a rampage now.  My heart stung just a little bit watching how happy he looked with her and how he looked at her. Maybe if I stopped comparing myself to her more than half of my problems would disappear.

"I'm guessing your mom still isn't a fan of me." Michael remarked as he randomly met up with me and Arrie in the hallway. He was mentioning how my mom never once acknowledge him on Thanksgiving, but kept asking Luke every question possible, making him uncomfortable.

"That's okay, Mikey. I'm a fan." Luke rested his chin on Michael's shoulder. Him, too, appearing out of thin air. Ally was back so Luke was instantly in a better mood, meaning he wouldn't snap at us anymore and we wouldn't have to hide our laughter because we all had issues taking Luke serious when he was pissed.

"Thanks, Luke." Michael shrugged off the comment. Arrie laughed. I was too tired to even react to the usual nonsense.

"I kinda want to get your signature tattooed on my arm when I turn eighteen." Luke pulled out his mirror, doing his morning routine of checking his hair for the second time. It happened at least seven times before lunch time and then fifteen times after that.

"I would advise you not to do such a thing." Michael rolled his eyes at the blond with the mirror.

"Oh, okay." Luke's eyes flickered from left to right while he pondered after shutting his pocket mirror. "Well maybe I'll just create an altar for you in my house."

"That's better."

Satisfied with that answer, Luke slammed his mirror shut. He began happily bobbing his head to the music playing in his wonderful empty mind. "So, Lydia's parents have this house on the lake and they're letting her invite ten people to stay in it for New Year's Eve. I think we should go. It'll give me a chance to be with Ally."

"Will your mom let you go, Luke? That's the obvious question." It was a smart question for me to ask. Liz wasn't the most easily convinced woman when it came to letting Luke venture off on his own. Luke was still her innocent little baby that could get eaten alive by the outside world and she wasn't ready to let him loose.

Like, ever.

She would never let him loose.

"Well yeah, if I tell her you'll be there she'll let me go." Liz had a certain obsession with me, not like Sienna's obsession with Luke and I getting married, Liz's was more of a trustworthy thing. She trusted me in the presence of Luke to make sure her "baby" was not eaten alive and spit back up by the mouth of evil.

"It would be nice to get away from the city." Michael shrugged, totally okay with the idea. I wasn't opposed to it either. Dad still had work and Sam wouldn't be around anyway to celebrate, plus I was hoping Sienna would disappear too. "Who knows? Maybe we'll fulfill Luke's dream of a threesome while we're there." He said in a teasing voice. "Or foursome now that Ally is in the picture."

"How do you guys know about that...?" Luke whispered with fright.

"That was in your journal, Luke." Michael snorted. "It said something about creaming all over Sage's legs while I spank her and tell her she's been a "bad girl.""

"Oh my god, Luke!" I cried. "Does Ally know?"

"It's true, I'm sorry!" Luke began hyperventilating and nodding his head frantically. "I'm going to hell for writing those explicit things about you guys."

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