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Losing someone was never easy, especially when you thought they were your forever. I used to think that a young racer by the name of Chase Elliott was my forever, but life has a funny way of changing our plans. Never in a million years would I see myself without him by my side. We never ask for things to go wrong, sometimes they just do, and we have no idea why. All we can wonder is what could've been.

As life passed by, I realized maybe losing him was the right thing for me. I found myself in the process, created a new life for myself, all that cliche shit. I had nothing to complain about, but there was always that little voice inside my head saying, "What would life be like now with Chase instead of without?"

"Is this correct Ms. Wright?" One of my students asked, recentering my attention. I looked over my student's work and nodded approvingly at her.

"It's perfect Erica, good job." I smiled, writing her grade on top of her homework. "Alright students, if you are done with your social studies assignment put it in your folder. Mr. Flores should be here any moment with a special guest."

Just as the students finished their task, the door swings open revealing our school's principal and a new member of the fourth-grade class. My students gasped and clapped with excitement as they made their way to the front of the room.

"Class meet Mackenzie, she will be joining our class this year. So, please make her feel welcome." I smiled. "Mackenzie your seat is right next to Katie and Asher." I pointed at the empty desk topped with supplies.

I see Principal Flores out and resumed teaching my fourth-grade class.

"Alright class, you are dismissed and I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I smiled. The students rushed out for their awaiting rides, I sit down at my desk preparing to grade that day's papers.

"Ms. Wright? My dad would like to meet you." Mackenzie poked her head in through the door frame.

"Come on in." I smiled. A tall man walks in being pulled in the classroom by Mackenzie. As Mackenzie's father looked up, it was a face I knew all too well. "Chase?" I questioned.


Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now