scared of happy | 11

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J A D E     W R I G H T

"Alright, I will see you in a few days," Chase said,  tucking a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. We stood outside the coffee shop, as the sun started to rise, peace surrounding us.

"A few days though?" I frowned.

"You'll survive without me. You have my number so I better be getting spammed with calls and texts." Chase jokes as his phone rang. "I better start heading over to the airport or else Alex and William will leave without me. I'll see you soon."

"Text me when you land?"

"I thought you said no texting you while you're at work? Because I'm too distracting." Chase smirks, slowly wrapping his arms around my body. "I mean I am pretty charming, I sure know how to distract."

"I'll make an exception, but just this time." I teased. "Kick some ass tonight?"

"As always." Chase winks. I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. Chase places his lips on mine for the last time, the passion was still as strong as ever with a slight feeling on longing. "Talk to you soon," Chase said as our lips parted. He intertwined our hands together, taking one last look.


"Nothing, just thinking about how lucky I am." He smiled.

"Oh, stop it, Elliott," I said as a smile crept to my lips. "Now go, or else I'll hold onto you forever and you won't be able to race."

"Bye darling." He smiles, gently placing his lips upon my cheek.

"Bye hotshot," I replied, as the feeling of warmth and love left my touch. Chase softly, teasingly, shoots a glare as he hops into his truck. I watched as he left down the road, the feeling of deja vu hit me like a tone of bricks. The sight of him driving down the road, leaving me standing on a sidewalk, was years ago after we fought before he left for Charlotte to pursue racing. "It's not the same, not the same." I reminded myself.

| l a t e r |

"Oh, hey Lauren, Mackenzie just left with-"

"That's not what I'm here for." She leaned against the door frame, her arms crossed against her chest.

"Oh, okay then." I shifted my body uncomfortably. "How can I help you?" I moved behind my desk, putting some distance between the two of us. She pushes her body off the frame and walks towards me in a daunting manner.

"I suppose you already heard what's happening between Chase and I, fighting for custody and all."

"Um, yeah I have."

"Yeah, such a shame. It sure is a waste of my time, we all know Chase is such an awful parent. Never thought it would come down to this, but here we are." Lauren said, clearly looking for my pity. I bit my tongue, not allowing myself to sink to her leave no matter how much I wanted to put her straight.

"Listen Lauren, I am quite busy-"

"Busy sucking on Chase's face?" She blurted, leaving me absolutely speechless. Any other day my mouth would've dropped to the floor after hearing her comment, but of all people, she couldn't find out, so I played the dumb card.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Oh please, no need to lie Jade. I picked up something at the parent-teacher conference, you guys are from the same hometown and around the same age? It fits together quite nicely, almost like a puzzle." She smirked. She had me right where she wanted me, she wanted to take advantage, she wanted blackmail. "And not to mention, I saw you guys outside the coffee shop this morning." She shrugs.

"What happens in my personal life doesn't concern you and especially in Chase's. You've ruined him enough."

"Oh boy, Chase gave you his pity story. Telling you how difficult I am, how unfit I am to be a mother-" Lauren chuckled, slowly walking around the room. "He has you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?"

"What do you really want Lauren?"

"Knowing Chase, he'll ask you to testify against me. You can't do that. Because if you do? I'll bring up your highly inappropriate relationship with a student's parent. It truly is funny that this school has a policy for that. Then Chase will be without a daughter and you'll be without a job." She shrugs. "Choice is yours."

She corned me, she had me right where she wanted.

"Is that a threat?"

"Take it how you want," Lauren replies. "Well, it was certainly nice catching up with you Jade, wish I could stay but I got to put together a good court case."

| h o m e  |

"She said what!" Natalie yells, nearly choking on her glass of wine.

"She literally threatened me."

"Are you going to tell Chase? I mean you have to, he has a right to know that his psycho ex-lover thing threatened his girlfriend."

"But should I? I mean if he doesn't ask me to testify and I tell him all this? This will just put more unnecessary stress on him." I sighed as my phone buzzed on my coffee table. The name Chase Elliott flashed across my screen making my heart flutter. "Aren't you supposed to be in the car?" I answered.

"You a stalker now?"

"I just saw you climb in on live TV, I don't think that would count as stalking."

"Fair. I just thought I'd check and make sure you're watching."

"Oh I am, with a glass of wine, a pile of papers to grade, and Natalie eating all my food."

"Sup Chase!" Natalie yells towards the phone, with her mouth stuffed full of food.

"Well, you ladies enjoy the race. I'll call you later?"

"Of course, be safe."

"I sure will darling, bye."

"Aren't you two just cute." Natalie reaches over nudging my shoulder. "Do you love him?"

"What?" I questioned. "What kind of question is that?"

"I haven't seen that look in your eyes for a long ass time. I haven't seen that look since Thomas. I wouldn't blame you if you loved Chase, you guys have a long past together."

"I've always loved Chase, but something about saying out loud to him after all these years, it's scary and it almost seems wrong."

"Because you love two guys at the same time?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"You're always going to love Thomas, you guys had the most epic love story, but Chase was your first love. Thomas would want you to be happy. It's okay to still love Thomas, and it's also okay to give your heart to Chase."

It's been a while since I was lost for words about someone. I never knew a love that didn't hurt, but I knew Chase was worth that chance. Chase is what I wanted.


@nascar: Defending champ @chaseelliott9 wins Duel #1 at Daytona!

@nascar: Defending champ @chaseelliott9 wins Duel #1 at Daytona!

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Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now