made to be broken | 10

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"Hey John, it's Chase here. I was wondering if you've received the custody papers from Lauren yet?" I asked, placing my phone between my face and shoulder as I hopped out of my truck outside HMS.

"No, I have not actually, I was about to call you about that. We haven't heard from Ms. Early yet."

"Okay, I'll see if I can find out what's taking so long. Thanks John, I'll keep you posted."

"Sounds good, thanks." John, my lawyer, hung up.

"God damnit." I huffed before dialing Lauren's number. "About time you pick up the phone."

"Nice to talk to you too. Now, what do you want?" Lauren rudely asked.

"When are you handing back those damn custody papers to the lawyers? I wanna get this over with as soon as possible."

"I put a lot of thinking into this whole situation and I'm taking it to court. You don't deserve to keep Mackenzie all to yourself, we all know what a terrible father you really are!" Lauren exclaims. "I will be fighting you to keep MY daughter. You'll be hearing from my lawyer shortly."

"Why are you doing this-"

Lauren hangs up before I could even ask why. I felt dumb knowing that I'd fallen right into her trap once again. I should've known that Lauren was going be stubborn and fight me on this. She always needed to be right no matter who she hurt in the process. She didn't care about Mackenzie, she didn't care that this custody battle would absolutely break Mackenzie, Lauren just always needed to fucking win.

"God fucking damnit," I mumbled under my breath, as I kicked my truck's tire out of pure rage. I leaned up against the bed of my truck, recollecting my thoughts before walking inside the shop.

"Hey Elliott, come check this out!" Alex calls me over.

"What's up?"

"NASCAR just announced they're moving the All-Star Race back to Bristol," William comments handing over his phone. "Ready to go two for two?"

"We'll have to see about that." I shrugged handing back William's phone. "Can't believe we leave tomorrow for Duels."

"Stop being so humble, if I was Chase Elliott-" Alex said, William and I looked at each other knowing where this was going.

"Oh boy, here we go again."

"Don't finish that sentence-"

"I would be strutting down these halls like nobody's business, with a fancy briefcase with all that money, hell I'd have a red carpet rolled out for me, a fan blowing through that luscious hair-"

I slapped Alex's hand away as he began reaching for hair.

"Fanboy much?" William laughs as we walked to the conference room. "You dream too much about being Chase Elliott."

"I won't stop dreaming." Alex shrugs. "Hey, how is that Jade thing going?"

"You always have to be all up in my business?"

"Yea? Of course, it's practically my second job." Alex remarked. "Willy, any update on Chase's love life from Erin which she got from Ryan-"

"How much caffeine have you had?" William asks.

"Too much." Alex raised his eyebrows. "So, the Jade thing?"

"We're together."

"Congrats man! That's great news!"

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now