new angel | 4

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J A D E     W R I G H T

"No. Way." My best friend, Natalie said I to between exaggerated breaths. "You have to go! Don't even feel bad, I'd leave your ass to go on a date with a hot single dad if I had the chance to." Natalie said fiercely shaking my shoulders. "Go now. As your best friend, I am shoving you out of my house, come on-"

"Time out Natalie." I laughed before she attempted to grab my arm. I looked down at Chase's text message once more, feeling those damn butterflies rise within my stomach. Every moment of every day, my mind had been invested with the thought of Chase Elliott. Chase came back into my life in a really unexpected way, I wasn't gonna walk out on him again.

From Chase Elliott: You down for some afternoon coffee?

"You gonna respond? Or just sit there and drool like a dog." Natalie said as her impatience rose higher.

"What do I even say? Am I really about to do this? Isn't this inappropriate to be going out with one of my student's dad?" I questioned.

"Yes, you are about to do this-" Natalie stopped trying to put together her thoughts. "I mean, I think it's not inappropriate. This is for you and him, to make you both happy again. I think as long as you don't play favorites with Mackenzie in the classroom, it won't be inappropriate."

"That would never happen, even if I do have favorites, I would never treat anyone of my students differently."

"And honestly just be real chill and cool with your response. Don't seem too desperate, that might scare him off."

"Wow, thanks, Nat." I rolled my eyes as my finger hovered over my phone screen.

To Chase Elliott: Afternoon coffee is the best haha when and where?

From Chase Elliott: Was starting to get nervous that you wouldn't respond 😂 I know a great local place, I'll send the address. 30 minutes?

To Chase Elliott: Sweet! See you then!

I was mentally screaming on the inside as the nerves started to ramp up inside of me. Was I really about to get coffee with Chase?

"Jade got a date! Jade got a date!" Natalie cheered as she pranced around my kitchen. As she busied her with cheering and a major freak out, I sneak upstairs to quickly get ready. Getting somewhere presentable, made itself out to be quite a challenge. I was second-guessing what to wear, how to do my hair, everything needed to be perfect for some reason.


"Just wear this." Natalie picks up a dress I'd thrown on the floor.

"Natalie, I'm trying to go casual, not seduce him."

"I mean you could." Natalie laughs walking into my closet. "Here, this is cute, stylish, yet casual." Natalie unveils a long sleeve, navy blue sundress.

"You're a freaking genius, Nat!"

C H A S E     E L L I O T T

"Looking dapper Elliott." Ryan jokes as Mackenzie played with Sturgill. "And you said you were just going to hang out, looks like you have other plans in mind."

"Shut up Ryan." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, I gotta get going," I add, checking my phone. I grabbed my keys and wallet before heading outside. Mackenzie runs up, hugging my leg.

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now