she loves control | 2

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C H A S E   E L L I O T T

Unlike most of the fourth-grade parents, I caught myself walking Mackenzie into her classroom just to get a glimpse at Jade again. Selfishly, my mind was on Jade since yesterday. Her smile, her body, everything about her made my mind go absolutely mad. I felt like I was back in high school, trying to desperately for Jade to notice and take interest in me.

"Okay dad, you can go now." Mackenzie waves. I bend down under the door frame and wished my daughter a good day while also getting a glimpse of Jade.

"Good morning Mackenzie." Jade smiles from across the room. Mackenzie gets pulled away by her classmates as Jade sets her sight on me. "You know, parents don't usually bring their kids to the classroom."

"What can I say? I just wanna make sure she gets here safe." I chuckled as the bell rang throughout the hallway. "Well, I'll let you get to teaching. Have a nice day Jade." I waved before nervously stuffing my hands in my jeans pocket.

"You too Chase." She chuckled nervously tucking her hair behind the ear. "Good morning class!" I hear her enthusiastically claps as I made my way down the hallway. I shake my head, chuckling to myself, I sure was going to get myself into a lot of trouble with Jade back in the picture.

| hendrick motorsports |

"Hey Elliott." Alex greeted me as I walked through the shop.

"What's up AB?" I asked.

"Ready to get this season started?"

"Hell yeah, with these new cars we'll be front runners for that title again," I commented watching the crews hard at work, building our cars for the Daytona Duels in the next couple weeks.

"Couple of us are going out to dinner tomorrow, you can sure tag along if you want. Hell, bring a lady friend with ya if you got one." Alex nudged my shoulder.

"Okay, what did Ryan tell you?" I questioned.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Alex raised his hands up in defense, slowly backing away. "Let's just say it's teammate intuition," Alex adds tapping his forehead, before taking his leave.

"What'd he want?" William Byron questions walking up beside me. "He looks suspicious as hell."

"Who knows, it's Alex. He's always up to something."

"But he is right you know." William shrugged. "You should bring that girl."

"How do you know there's a girl?"

"Ryan spilled your conversation to Erin and I last night over the phone."

"Blaney sure is an asshole." I huffed.

"No pressure though, you guys just reconnected. It might be a little weird to ask her to meet all your teammates and their wives."

J A D E    W R I G H T

"Alright class, pack up your things, and you're dismissed," I announced. "And don't forget next week is our Dad appreciation day. All you dads are invited for a breakfast here in the classroom, and we'll be able to meet everybody's dads and get to know them. So, please give the teacher announcements sheet to your parents. See you all tomorrow guys!"

A lady appears out of my classroom, I was assuming it was Mackenzie's mom, Lauren. As I was about to walk out and introduce myself, Chase's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Lauren? I thought we'd discussed that I'd pick her up?"

"It's my day Chase, check your damn schedule for once." Lauren harshly whispered. I get a small glimpse at Mackenzie, she looked uncomfortable around her own mother, all her energy and life seemed to be sucked out of her body.

"Well, can you at least introduce yourself to her teacher?"

"Fine, but it's a waste of my time-" I started hearing footsteps coming towards my door, I quietly rushed to my desk, pretending to look busy.

"Knock, knock." Chase peaks in with Mackenzie.

"Hey guys, come on in!" I waved them in. Mackenzie runs in hugging my waist.

"Oh hello, you must be Mackenzie's mom."  I reached out my hand. Lauren gives me a skeptical look, before returning the favor. "I'm Jade Wright-"

"Lauren." She rudely interrupted me, as her judging eyes scanned around my classroom. She really knew how to suck the life out of a room. I could see Chase grimacing behind Lauren, absolutely in distraught and embarrassment. "Well, I really must get going, I have business meetings to get to. Come on Mackenzie let's go." Lauren quickly dismissed herself. She forcefully grabs Mackenzie's hand and dragged her out of the classroom.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Wright." Mackenzie sadly waved before disappearing around the corner. Lauren left an unsettling feeling within me, how could she be that cold? 

"I'm sorry about Lauren, she can be a little intense." Chase nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Your girlfriend sure is something-"

"Girlfriend?" Chase busted out laughing.


"Lauren and I haven't been together for years, you can probably see why. She loves being in control of everything." Chase sadly comments. "I try so hard for Mackenzie's sake to get along with her, but it's so hard sometimes. I've been trying to get full custody. Mackenzie needs a better life than what Lauren gives her."

"Yeah, I noticed that her whole energy changed."

"Exactly, thank you. I'm glad someone else sees that. Lauren never used to be like that, believe it or not, she was actually a nice person." Chase nervously rocked back and forth on his feet. "Well, I best start heading home. I'll see you later-". Chase slowly started making his way towards the door.

"You still gotta take me out for coffee." I joked making Chase run straight into the door. I covered my mouth, starting to laugh at Chase's clumsiness. Even in his state of shock, I could make out his lips curling into a smile.

"I did say that didn't I?" Chase said as he collected himself, leaning his body against the doorframe. He anxiously folded his arms across his chest, I couldn't help but noticed his arm muscles flexing out from underneath his shirt.

"You did and I'm holding you to it." I chuckled grabbing a stack of student work on my desk, forcing my mind to think of something else. "I never joke about coffee."

"Well, I am free tomorrow, let's say after school?"

"You got yourself a date."

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now