find you again | 1

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The past can haunt you in many ways. We all have a past, good or bad, or hell both. There was nothing in my past worthwhile of talking about. Just lots of painful memories. But life has a funny way of throwing the most unexpected things at you, like the thing you thought you didn't need until you had it right in front of you. Mine at the moment was Chase Elliott standing in front of me.

"Jade? Jade Wright?" Chase questioned, taken back by the sight of me.

"Chase Elliott, long time no see," I politely smiled, trying to make this visit less awkward than what it should be. I couldn't blame us, it'd been years since we've last seen each other, let alone talked.

"You two know each other?" Mackenzie questioned, puzzled.

"Yeah, we do actually. Your teacher and I went to school together." Chase responded not taking his eyes off of me. I nervously crossed my arms acrossed my chest, feeling his brown eyes staring into my soul. "I guess I really didn't have to properly introduce myself then." Chase joked nervously.

"Yeah, I guess you didn't." I chuckled. "Well, I am so excited to have Mackenzie in my class. She did amazing for her first day, even made a few new friends." I smiled.

"That's good to hear that's she's in excellent hands." He smiles placing his hand on Mackenzie's shoulder. "She can be a bit of a trouble maker at home, so I'm glad to hear she behaves here." Chase looked down at Mackenzie with admiration. "Well, we better get going. It was so nice seeing you again Jade, it really was. Maybe we could go out for coffee sometime and catch up?"

"I'd like that." I smiled. "Bye guys, see you tomorrow Mackenzie. Drive safe."

I return to the boring task of grading papers, with Chase on my mind. I had many unanswered questions right now about everything. Chase was a dad?

| H O M E |

"You'd never guess who my new student's dad is," I spoke into my phone with my best friend Natalie on the other line with facetime.

"I don't know? You know I'm not good at these guessing games."

"Does the name Chase Elliott ring a bell?"

"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" Natalie screamed into the phone, almost choking on her water. "You gotta tell me everything. How'd you find out that he was the dad? What did he look like? Did he get any hotter?"

"Slow down there Nat. First off, he came in after school to introduce himself and that's all."

"So much for an introduction." Nat mumbles.

"And to answer your last question, yes he did, he got a lot hotter." I laughed into the phone, feeling the heat rise into my cheeks. "But I'm not looking for anything right now. I'm still healing you know. Plus he might have a wife or a girlfriend."

"I get that, but when are you going to move on? It's been years since the accident, Thomas would've wanted you to move on by now and be happy." Natalie sadly reminds me. "I know it still hurts, but it's what he would've wanted. And there's possibly that chance that Chase can be that hot single dad."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You and your fantasies." I sighed. "When I feel ready, I'll know. For now, I'm just seeing where life takes me."

"Okay, but like did he give off a single dad vibe?"

"I don't know Nat-"

"I'm looking this up." Natalie intriguingly brings her computer into view. "Alright, Chase Elliott, 30 years old, NASCAR driver-"

"We already know this stuff-"

"Aha! Personal life, let's see what we got here-" Natalie's voice trailed off leaving an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I watched as her eyes scanned the screen wildly. "Looks like he had Mackenzie at a young age, he was only twenty."

"Wow, that's young."

"He was with some chick named Lauren Early, that must be Mackenzie's mom."

"Okay-" I paused feeling overwhelmed by all this information. "All of this feels wrong, we shouldn't be snooping for information like this. It feels way too personal."

"It's not snooping when's it all over the internet." Natalie shrugged, continuing to look through the internet. "But hey, if you don't wanna do it, I'll do it on my own time-"

"Natalie, I'm serious."

C H A S E    E L L I O T T

After seeing Jade today, my whole world felt like it was flipped upside down. Jade was my first love, my first everything. It took me ages to get over her, to get over craving her presence, her body, her damn lips. Seeing her today, well, old feelings resurfaced. I don't think I've ever been over Jade Wright.

"Where's that beer?" I asked walking into my kitchen after putting Mackenzie to bed. Ryan shoots his head up, sliding a can of beer towards me. "You wouldn't believe the day I had."

"Yea, you've been acting off ever since I got here." Ryan shrugged taking a swig of his beer. "What made the day eventful?"

"I ran into Jade Wright-"

"Jade? As in your high school girlfriend?"

"Yeah, and get this, she's Mackenzie's teacher!"

"Shit man, that's kinda weird. You were like in love with Jade."

"I know, it wasn't easy seeing her again. She was so beautiful-"

"Slow down tiger." Ryan almost chokes on his beer. "I don't want you rushing into anything. You just got out of a relationship-"

"That was a years ago."

"But you act like you just did." Ryan rolled his eyes. Ryan was sadly right, I had been pretty caught up in my past relationships, I just fall so hard it's a curse a lot of the time.

"For fuck sake, why am I like this? I'm thirty years old." I sigh brushing my hair through with my fingers.

"Can't change who you are brother."

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon