bad blood | 21

577 15 4


It was finally off week for Chase and spring break for Mackenzie, which only meant one thing and one thing only... A much needed vacation. Chase and I planned a family trip with Kayleigh, Ryan, Natalie, and the kids to Costa Rica. 

I stood outside of the school waiting for Mackenzie and her class to get out. It felt weird being back, standing outside of the school in which I got fired from. Finding a new teaching gig was proving to be more of a full-time job in itself. There were zero teaching jobs available anywhere near.

As I continued to wait, a figure walking up to me caught my attention.

"Principle Flores."

"Ms. Wright." He nods. "Haven't seen you since the board meeting. I was pretty bummed out that I didn't get a goodbye."

"I didn't think you needed one since you are the one who reported me to the board." I shrugged, keeping my eyes forward.

"Ouch, we've known each other for years now, but I get it. I would assume you're job searching?"

"That would be correct, but it's kinda hard to get a job when there is none. Well, except I see the fourth-grade job here hasn't been filled yet. That was pretty odd finding that out, you're usually on top of things around here."

"Correct, we are in the process of finding the perfect candidate, you know how long these things can take."

I mentally had to roll my eyes, he was downplaying everything that happened behind those school doors. I could tell that it was a struggle, enrollments, and grade point averages had gone down since I was fired.

"Any good ones?"

"Yes, but-"

"But they aren't me," I said, the slightest bit of resentment bubbling up within me. "You and I both know that me and my teaching methods made this the top private school in the area and frankly in the whole state. People enrolled their children here because of my nationwide recognition as a top educator. Ever since I've been here this school has the highest grade point average of any elementary, middle school in the state."


"But back to the point. You and I both know that any teacher candidate that walks through those doors, you will turn down because you know they aren't me." I firmly said, seeing Mackenzie run up to me. I dropped my stone-cold expression and smiled as Mackenzie latched on to my leg. "Hey Kenz, how was your day?"

"Super good!"

"We need to get back home and pack, we have an early flight tomorrow." I smiled. "Principle Flores, it was certainly nice catching up, good luck with the teacher search." I smiled, with a hit of cockiness still in my voice. He didn't even bother making eye contact, because he knew I was right about everything.

"Mackenzie, have a wonderful spring break, we'll see you in a week." He forces out a smile, before dismissing himself.

I hopped inside my car with Kenzie settled in the back seat. I felt a sense of peace, I said what I've wanted to say for weeks now, I finally got it all off my chest. A weight was lifted off my shoulders, I felt like I was able to move forward.

| c h a s e 's    h o u s e |

I found myself living at Chase's house more than mine recently. I barely spent any time at my own home, and it was actually nice. It felt refreshing living with other people besides just myself.

"Alright, let's get you packed before dad comes back," I say putting my things down on the kitchen counter. Mackenzie hung up her backpack, unpacked her lunchbox, before heading upstairs. As I headed upstairs to help her, she called out something that made my heart skip a beat.

"Mom!" She called out. I stopped in my tracks, my brain processing everything. She called me mom, a title I never thought I would have in this lifetime.

"What's up, sweetie?"

"When's dad coming home?"

"Should be soon, he's finishing up some last-minute stuff at the shop-" I began as the sound of the garage door made Mackenzie jump to her feet and running over to the window. "Never mind, sounds like he's here."

A few seconds passed and Chase walked in with something hidden behind his back. He walks upstairs spotting me leaning up against Mackenzie's door frame.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked.

"A lil something for my girls." He smiled, revealing two bouquets of beautiful flowers. Mackenzie gasped, running over and taking one from Chase. "You like them? They were the last ones."

"Thanks, dad." Mackenzie smiled pulling Chase into a hug.

"They're beautiful, thank you," I said, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I'll go put these in water, and you finish up packing." I smiled walking downstairs with Chase hot on my heels. As soon as we got out of view, Chase picks me up making me giggle. "You're in a good mood," I commented as he placed me down.

"Just missed you and your beautiful face." He smiled cheesy, before placing a bunch of kisses across my jawline.

"I missed you too," I replied, swinging my arms around his neck.

"Ready for a vacation?"

"Yes, I've been ready. It's going to be nice getting out of here for a while."

"After everything we've been through? I'd say we deserve this family trip."

"You can say that again."

"I got something big planned for the whole family."

"Care to share any of those details?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Chase winks. "I know you hate surprises but this one will be worth it promise."

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now