liability | 16

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J A D E    W R I G H T

I went back to work on Wednesday, my head held high, knowing I played a part in keeping Mackenzie and Chase together and out of the clutches of Lauren. Lauren was finally out of all of our lives, everything was at peace, or at least that's what I thought...

"Great job on your last reading lesson, Kenz." I cheered. "I'm so proud of you, you've done so well." I smiled, giving her a warm hug.

"Thanks, Ms. Wright for helping me." She smiles.

"Ms. Wright, when you have a moment, I'd like to speak with you privately." Mr. Flores, the school's principal said standing at my classroom door. His tone didn't sit right with me, it left an uneasy feeling.

"Of course, I will walk Mackenzie out and be right there." I forced a smile. "Ready go to Kenzie?" I asked. Mackenzie nods, swinging her backpack over her shoulder as we walked outside the school. Chase's truck sat in the same parking spot with Chase, as usual, leaning up against the side of his truck.

"Hey, kiddo." Chase smiles as he spotted Mackenzie and I walking up.

"I'm all done with my extra reading lessons dad!" Mackenzie cheers.

"I'm so proud of you, we'll get ice cream on the way back home to celebrate!" Chase pumped his fist as Mackenzie jumped up and down energetically. Mackenzie hops in the truck, giving Chase and I a moment to talk. "You busy tonight?"

"Why? You have something in mind?" I teased.

"I have plenty in mind." He winked sending those damn butterflies into my stomach.

"I'll text you, I have a meeting with the principal."

"You don't think it's about-"

"I don't know Chase, but I have a gut feeling that's it's what I think it is. My job." I sighed. "But I will text you when I'm done."

"Okay, you sure you'll be fine?"

"I'm sure."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I sneakily grabbed his hand, not wanting to let go. "I don't want to keep him waiting, go get Mackenzie some ice cream, she deserves it." I smiled as Kenzie impatiently climbing into the driver's seat, honking the horn.

"Alright, talk to you later."

"See ya." I waved. "See you tomorrow Mackenzie."

"Bye Ms. Wright!"

I composed myself before walking back into the school and making my way towards Mr. Flores' office. I knew it was about my job and the policy I broke, I mean what else could it be? I stood outside his office door, nervous as hell, but I forced myself to knock.

"Come in." I hear from the other side. I opened the door and his eyes set upon me, his facial expression dropped, this was serious... "Jade, come on in, close the door."

I lounged back in a seat across from him. Fidgeting with my hands on the lap, I don't know why I was so damn nervous, I saw this coming eventually. But we know what they all say, sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.

"You can say it, I already know what this is about."

"Jade, you are one of the best teachers here, people respect the hell out of you. You have always been a team player, but you do know the rules and policies this school has. This all could've been avoided if you waited until the end of the school year. You being in a relationship with a student's parent is breaking school policy."

"You know I'm the least biased teacher, I treat all my kids the same despite my relationship."

"I know that well Jade, but if parents started to find out? They're going to start assuming things. Starting a serious relationship in the middle of the school year causes a lot of conflicts. Parents assume biased reasoning and decisions. I wish it was different, but it's not. You know how ugly things got with parents the last time this policy was broken by a teacher."

"What's the punishment?"

"Unfortunately, a broken policy like this? It's out of my hands. It's the school board's decision now. They want to set up a school board meeting on Saturday morning to determine the termination of your teaching career here. You'll be getting an email soon with more information."

"You don't have any say in this?"

"Nope, unfortunately, I don't. You are allowed to teach the rest of the week, and Saturday will determine your future here at this school." He sighs. This hurt him probably just as much as it gutted me, six years of teaching at this school could possibly go down the drain. "I wish things were different Jade, I really do. I can't afford to lose a teacher like you. I will say you have a better chance of keeping your job than the last teacher."

| c h a s e ' s h o u s e |

I arrived at Chase's house very late into the evening, Mackenzie was already fast asleep. Chase and I were planning to tell Mackenzie about us soon, we were just waiting on the right time to do so. I wanted to get past this school board meeting determining the state of my job before we jumped into telling her.

Chase and I cuddled against each other on his living room couch, trying to find a movie.

"How'd the meeting go?" Chase asked breaking the comfortable silence between us. "You've been a little quiet since you got here."

"There's a school board meeting on Saturday to see if I'm fired." I sighed.


"This isn't your fault Chase, none of it is. I made a choice and now I have to deal with the consequences, I knew what I was getting myself into."

"I could've talked you out of testifying and you wouldn't be in this position."

"Chase you have Mackenzie now that's all that matters."

"I know but you risked your job for it."

"I couldn't just sit by and watch Lauren take Mackenzie from you. I'd do that for any of my students, but I did this with a little more love."

"Well, I still feel bad. People shouldn't be questioning you, you are the most amazing teacher and person I have ever come across. Mackenzie comes home and talks nonstop about you. Then that makes me think nonstop about you."

"When are we telling her about us?"

"Whenever you feel comfortable."

"I just want to get past this board meeting, then we can tell her."

"Okay, she'll love you, I mean she already does. It might come as a shock, but she'll be on board with us being together. Plus she's been bugging me about this mystery woman I've been dating." Chase commented, making me chuckle. "Hey, whatever happens, we'll figure it out together, okay? I love you."

"Okay." I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now