lost in you | 13

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J A D E    W R I G H T

The next day I knew that it wasn't going to be an easygoing day for Chase. Luckily, school was off and Mackenzie was with Ryan and Kayleigh for the day, so I could be with Chase. Chase didn't have the easiest night, Lauren actually going through with the custody battle hit Chase like a ton of bricks. He was in a state of shock all of last night, he was shaking uncontrollably, luckily he calmed down to fall asleep and get rest.

Chase had scheduled to meet with his trusted lawyer this morning at his house. I busied myself preparing lunch as Chase and his lawyer were in the next room, trying to put together a case that could withstand and beat Lauren's case. This custody battle was none of my concern, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop. Mackenzie deserved to be in an environment where she could flourish and grow with nobody holding her back. I knew that was Chase that could provide those things for her. He'd do anything for Mackenzie, he and Mackenzie were two peas in a pod. They were made for each other, they couldn't be torn apart.

"We have close family and friends to testify for you, but we need one more person. Someone preferably close to Mackenzie, anyone who was her best interest at heart. That could be a former babysitter, a teacher-"

"I can ask Mackenzie's current teacher, Jade Wright. She's first-hand seen how horrible Lauren can be."

"That's perfect, why don't you ask Ms. Wright and if she agrees, I'll get this line of testimonies lined up for the trial."

"Shit," I whispered to myself as Lauren's words ran through my mind.

"Knowing Chase, he'll ask you to testify against me. You can't do that. Because if you do? I'll bring up your highly inappropriate relationship with a student's parent. It truly is funny that this school has a policy for that. Then Chase will be without a daughter and you'll be without a job."

I get pulled out of my thoughts as Chase walked in.

"Hey, how was it?" I asked pushing a plate of food towards him.

"It went okay." Chase shrugs. "Just wish I had more time to put this together."

"You're going to get her Chase, don't worry. Everybody is going to see right through Lauren and all her pathetic lies."

"Can I ask you something?" Chase hesitantly and nervously asked. I nodded, cringing on the inside, knowing what he was going to ask of me. "I need at least one more person to testify on my behalf, and my lawyer thinks it'd be smart if you would."

I stood there, absolutely stuck in the middle. Like Lauren said I had a choice. I could choose to help Chase but risk losing my dream job, or I could stay silent and keep my job safe. Were Chase and Mackenzie worth all that risk? If I got on that stand, Lauren will tarnish my reputation and career as an educator. Fuck.

"Chase, as much as I would love to help because I do know deep in my heart that Mackenzie belongs with you, I just can't."

"W-What?" Chase asked, taken back with my response. "Why not?" He said with a tone of anger and confusion.

"Chase, I need you to trust me on this-"

"Trust you? You're standing there telling me that you don't want to help me get Mackenzie!" Chase argued. His rant went on, the guilt slowly built up inside of me, so much so that my hands started to uncontrollably shake. "I just don't understand this Jade! Why-"

"Because Lauren threatened me!" I exclaimed over Chase. A wave of relief washed over me finally getting that off my chest. Chase was again taken back, his eyebrows furrowed.


"Lauren visited me on Thursday after school. She threatened to tell the school board that I was dating you, which is a violation of the school's code for teachers. The school doesn't allow those types of relationships that start in the middle of the school year, or I might become biased. Lauren threatened my job if I helped you fight to get Mackenzie."

"Jade-" Chase said disappointingly. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Because I didn't think you'd actually ask me to testify for you, and I didn't want you to worry-" I said, feeling my emotions rise within me.

"Shh, it's okay Jade. I understand I'd never ask you to sacrifice your career for this." Chase said, sympathetically pulling me into his comforting and safe embrace. "We got enough against Lauren anyway, you don't need to worry about it, okay? I should've expected Lauren to do something like this. She'll do anything to win."

"Chase, if you need me to testify, I will-"

"Don't even worry about that Jade and I'm serious about that. This isn't your fault, it's Lauren's fault."

| t u e s d a y |

It was one week until the first custody hearing. Chase could give me all the reassurance in the world, but that wouldn't stop me from feeling guilty. I could help Chase gain custody instead I'm on the sidelines, helplessly watching as Chase and Lauren fought it out amongst themselves. There was nothing I wanted more than to help Mackenzie get into the right home, but with Lauren's blackmail dangling above my head, haunting me every day, I felt useless.

"What's wrong Mackenzie? You haven't been yourself all day?" I asked in the middle of her reading lesson. Mackenzie glanced up at me and shrugged. "You can talk to me."

"Dad and mom are fighting." She mumbled. "I don't like it when they fight, mom scares me sometimes. I like living with dad better."

My heart shattered.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I wish there was something I could do to help." I sighed, gently rubbing her back. I could tell that Mackenzie was under an extreme amount of emotional distress and no ten year old should be going through this. "Have you talked to your dad about how you feel? Sometimes talking about your feelings can help."

"I want to but I'm going to be at my mom's house this week. Mom doesn't let me talk to dad when I'm with her."

My heart and head were battling each other. I needed to help Mackenzie so she would be with her dad permanently, on the other hand, Lauren basically had a knife to my throat. I knew what the right thing to do was, but was it worth all the collateral damage?

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now