before you go | 6

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C H A S E   E L L I O T T

It'd been a few days after Jade and I's conversation. Where I had unexpectedly and unintentionally confessed my feelings for Jade straight to her face before we were interrupted. I hadn't seen or heard from her since, well I didn't expect to after the bombshell I dropped.

"I'm coming!" I yelled out as my doorbell repeatedly went off. "Relax-" I opened the door seeing Lauren standing there with Mackenzie. "I- uh what's going on?" I questioned seeing Mackenzie with a suitcase by her side.

"I have a business meeting out of town, so you'll need to take her-"

"Mackenzie, sweetie, go inside. I'll be right in. I need to discuss something with your mother." I motioned her in. I close the door behind me, absolutely appalled by Lauren's lack of maturity. "What the fuck, it was your week Lauren. This is your damn responsibility."

"Stuff happens-"

"And it always happens when it comes to you Lauren! You always find a way to avoid parenting duties and I'm sick and tired of it!" I raised my voice. "You don't see me ever taking her to you when 'stuff happens'." I quote her. "You need to step up and stop being a god damn lazy parent. I can't do it all!"

"I'm not having this conversation again Chase-" She turned to walk away.

"Yeah, go right ahead. You have a track record of walking away when things get hard." I rudely commented. Lauren stopped as she reached her car. She furiously stomped back towards me, her eyes filled with the purest form of anger.

"You don't know half of what you put me through!"

"Excuse me? Don't twist the story around Lauren. You were the one who had a fucking affair, while I was here taking care of our daughter! I don't know what I did to deserve all of this for fuck sake! I gave you everything Lauren."

"It was your own fault. You act all high and mighty, you appreciated nothing I did for you or Mackenzie!"

"You use the same excuse every time and that never fucking happened!" I argued back. "You're supposed to be a role model for our daughter, yet you keep treating her like she's nothing. You have no idea the things you put her through. She's a child, Lauren. You are always putting her down and treating her like it's less than."

"Fucking take her then! I don't give a damn about that child."

There it was. It took every ounce of my self-control not to fight back. I had more dignity than to put my hands on a woman even if it was Lauren and she tested my patience. Lauren didn't care about Mackenzie, she never did, she only cared about her own damn self.

"Leave and never come back. You'll be getting custody papers from me soon enough."

J A D E   W R I G H T

"You didn't say anything?" Natalie interrogated me.

"I didn't have the time to respond, we got interrupted before I could say anything. Then he just got up and left." I said. "Maybe he regretted it?" I questioned as I confused myself even more with my own thoughts. "Listen, I'll call you later. I have parent-teacher conferences starting up right now."

"Alright, talk to you later." Natalie hangs up. I reorganize the mess surrounding my desk, before looking at the schedule for my first conference. The evening seemed to drag on as I met with the parents of my students up until I saw my last conference of the day.

Lauren Early & Chase Elliott -Mackenzie Elliott

"This should be interesting," I mumbled to myself as I proceeded towards my door. "Mackenzie's parents, Chase and Lauren," I called out as professionally as I could, seeing other parents roaming the halls. My eyes instantly met with Chase's brown eyes, my heart skipped multiple beats seeing him standing there in a vintage racing t-shirt and jeans. Any other day he'd make my knees buckle, but I kept my composure. "Is Lauren here?" I asked as Chase strides over towards me.

Lover of Mine ~Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now