Ch. 4 - Looking Over Him

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It's time to finally know WHO is the mystery guy!

I'm telling you guys that one of you got it correctly. I'm gonna announce his/her/their name at the end of the story.

This chapter is for you friend! Hope you like it!

WARNING: SEMI-MATURE CONENT. All readers below 18 years old, please read with an innocent mind. Some words maybe a bit too much for children. Take it anyway you like.

Phana’s POV

“What are you doing here….?”

“Nong Suthee…” I said with obvious shock. Suthee is a junior of ours and my mentee when he was in the Moon and Star Competition last year. It was actually between him and Wayo to
become the Faculty Moon, but the audience spoke and chose Suthee. They said that it was for the best because “short and adorable” may not win against “tall and hot”. If you ask me, Wayo could have won that whole thing. Well, maybe 1st runner up since Nong Ming was there as well. I never actually know what Wayo could display for his individual talent other than maybe play
the piano if he still does it (A/N: Okay, so I might have changed it a little. Wayo can still play the piano but he has a different talent now. It will be shown in a different chapter)

Suthee is a student from the Faculty of Medicine as well. I’m still kinda confused of his Major if it is in Physical Therapy or in Nursing like Wayo. He was tall, shorter than me but still taller that
Yo. He was maybe 187cm. He was fairly skinned to be honest, not as fair as Wayo but still fair in his own area. He was not super muscular, but it is obvious from his build that he plays sports. Maybe swimming or even soccer.

“Ah, P’Phana, P’Kit, P’Beam, how are you? I’m just asking Ai’Yo something about later.” Suthee said offering a small bow and smilling at Wayo, causing the smaller boy to blush a little and
smile shyly back at the standing Moon. Okay-- hold on. What the hell was that? Could it be that Wayo LIKES Suthee?! That can’t happen! Wayo is MINE!

“Really? What is that ‘something’ that you had to ask our dear little nong, eh?” Kit said smirking a little but his eyes scanned Suthee up and down, scrutinizing him for any faults. To be honest, Kit and Beam act like big brothers, if not, mother hens toward Yo. He was treated as their baby and would do anything to protect his innocence. (A/N: An innocence that could not be there

“It’s nothing important really, P’. I made plans with Ai’Yo later tonight and I was just asking him if we are still going through it. Right Ai’Yo?” Suthee said looking sheepish and semi-guilty with is
seniors judging him. He looked at Wayo asking for help but the little one still had a small blush on his face, but snapped out of his stupor when he was asked the question. Wayo looked at us and scanned our expressions. If I had a mirror in front of me, I could probably jealousy clouds rolling over my head at steam coming out of my ears. I was angry and jealous at the same time. How could Suthee do this?! Doesn’t he know that Wayo belongs to me?

“O-of course. Ai’Thee just asked me a favor and we are going to do it at my apartment.” Wayo said with a smile on his face.

We are going to do it….

These words echoed in my ears and in my mind. What does he mean by they will do it…?

“A-ai’Thee… please be gentle…”

“Done worry babe… I’ll go slow…”

“A-ah… Suthee….”

“Wayo……” Suthee’s face inched forward, while his eyes lacing over Wayo’s pink plump lips, tempting him to bite into them. Wayo laced his hands over Suthee’s neck, pulling the taller male into an embrace and hopefully-- (A/N: Honestly, it's my first time writing this kind of stuff. Hopefully if I get better this story might turn Mature hihihihi)

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