Ch. 30 - The Time is NOW

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This. Is. It!

It is now time!

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been supporting my first BL story here on Wattpad, which has reached 12.9k reads and 1.13k votes, as of the time that I am writing this. To receive such love and support for my my first time writing such a genre, it is very overwhelming and I can't thank all the people who have read, voted, and commented on this story since Day 1. You all have my most sincere thanks and I wish everyone happiness.

Now that thats over,

No more delay!



Phana sat on the couch in his room in silence, staring at the plain white walls of his dorm room, still trying to process what had just occurred. Munich was lying beside him, comfortable on her own just being beside her owner, not sensing a bit of distress from the tall man.

Phana was both ecstatic and internally struggling at this point. He was still in a daze from the events earlier. First, Wayo had returned to Kantaphat without even contacting him. He had to admit that he had sulked a little at Wayo who had promised to call or even text him once he already had everything figured out. He justified his actions by thinking that even though Wayo had returned, it does not necessarily mean that he found what he was looking for already. Second, the scene in the dorm lobby really put him in a sour mood. He understood that Nichkhun was Wayo's older brother, but did he really have to kiss him on the cheek? Related or not, Nichkhun was still a handsome man, and that kiss was unnecessary. He shook his head. It was no time to be jealous of his soon-to-be brother-in-law. Third, was when Wayo visited him in his dorm room.


(A/N: There has been a lot of flashbacks in the past few chapters... Meh)

"... A-a w-what?" Phana asked still shocked at what he had just heard.

"A date, P'Pha. I'm asking you out." Wayo stated like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Phana remained frozen on the spot, his mind going into overdrive from shock and disbelief. His jaw unhinged itself, his mouth dropping as low as it could, and eyes widening to the best of their ability. Wayo almost laughed out loud at the image Phana was showing him.

"If it's okay with you P', I would like to talk with you for a minute. May I come inside?" Wayo asked kindly.

Phana was still not moving from his spot, his mind creating a bunch of different scenarios on how their date would go on, not realizing that he had not given his answer yet.

"...P'?" Wayo asked once again, waving his hands in front of Phana's face. If he was on the verge of laughing earlier, he was definitely concerned now. Phana had not spoken for the past few minutes, and he was afraid that the doctor-to-be had gone into cardiac arrest. Wayo readily placed his hands by his pocket where his phone was located, ready to dial the emergency number if his thinking is correct. He may be a student nurse, but he was not prepared for this types of situations. These kinds of scenarios were usually dealt by 4th year Nursing students. Him being a 2nd year student only, the only course of action that he could do is call for an ambulance.

".. O-oh.. s-sorry about that. W-what were you saying?" Phana said shaking himself out of dreamland.

"I was asking if I could come in so we could talk for a little." Wayo asked again, letting go of the breath he was unconsciously holding.

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