Ch. 12 - I Like You...

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Hey! I decided to update early!

This is sort of a "thank you" for all the wonderful things that you have done for me! It really means a lot to me that you guys love the stories that I am writing, and it just inspires me to write for you guys again.

Now, for the moment you have all been waiting for! The confession!

Warning: Mature content ahead. Strict parental guidance is adviced. If not, please proceed with caution.

On with the story!!


Phana's POV


I froze.

Was I dreaming? Did he really just call me that?

I haven't heard him call me that in years. Well, I haven't really heard him call me that ever. But coming from him, it was like a splash of cold water on a hot summer's day. It was so refreshing. All this time he used to call me P'Phana or Doctor Phana, but now, he just called me "P'Pha".

"Goodnight.... love..." I whispered at the door. Unconsciously wondering if he heard it. I had to hold myself down to try and not barge into his room and pin him on his bed and ravish him throughout the night.


No Pha. Bad Phana.

Get yourself together. You want to woo him. Not rape him. Come on now, man.

I decided to go up to my room before I do anything that I would regret. With all the dirty thoughts in my head I can't help but imagine what it would feel like to be with him, intimately. To be completely honest, I am still a virgin. I know, I know. The Great Phana Kongthanin, the guy who has women throw themselves at him, is a VIRGIN?! Yeah, well get over it. I am. I have been saving myself for Wayo, and only him.

I can never imagine myself being intimate with anyone other than him. He is all that I think about, and not a day goes by where I regret ever uttering the words that fateful day. It was like I was lying to myself about liking a boy. Well, I really don't like boys. I like Wayo. If it's not him, it's no one.

I get to my room and immediately strip of my clothes and enter the shower. All the stress and emotions that poured out of me this day had done a total on my being. I needed a quick release and depressor from all the events that occurred today.

I hop in and turn on the shower to a warm yet tepid temperature. I let the water cascade down my torso as I thought of all the things that happened today. I still remember Wayo being all cute in his scrub suit, carrying the baby as if it was our own.

I close my eyes and let the soothing temperature of the water wash away all my troubles. My imagination starts to get the better of me and I see Wayo in front of me, clutching his hands at my neck and bringing me down for a kiss. I shake my head to get these thoughts out. This is not healthy for me to be thinking about him too much.

I finish my shower and get a change of clothes. I sit on my bed as I dry my hair and look through my phone. I open up my social media and immediately look at the first post. It was Wayo's post. He had a picture in the medication room with the baby in his arms. He looked so beautiful then.

Okay, I think I had enough of social media for today. I look at my clock and see that it is already 12:14 AM. Time to go to bed. I throw my towel in the hamper and crawled into bed, trying to get comfortable. I look to my side table and see a framed picture of Wayo in his nursing uniform. I smile at it and closed my eyes with him still in my thoughts.

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